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Full Name Ryan Gaule
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Member Since 8/30/2004 8:16:21 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Ryan's Advanced Color Picker Hi All, This is an advanced color wheel program made in C# entirely be me. It started out as a program intended for use at work, but I ended up making a different color picker for that, but that's a whole nother thing. Anyways, I brought this ... 
Posted August 18, 2009 10:55:58 AM
Pixel Sniper Hello All! Pixel Sniper is a 2D game coded in C# during a few months of on/off development I had between jobs last summer. The idea of the game is you're a deadly sniper looking out over a vast landscape that's populated with up to 20 other s... 
Posted May 3, 2009 5:18:29 PM
Particle Editor During the development of Sixth Age: A New Spirit, a turn based strategy game created from scratch in 9 months by thirteen students, including myself; we decided we needed a way for the artists and designers to create the game's particle effects. Sin... 
Posted September 15, 2005 2:35:15 PM
Sixth Age: A New Spirit During the last three semesters of school at the Art Institute of Vancouver | Burnaby students are required to team together and build a game using their combined knowledge of programming, art, design and sound. Most teams use the Unreal engine and b... 
Posted October 27, 2005 12:24:42 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Ryan's Advanced Color Picker I have been thinking about releasing the source...I'll do that tomorrow when I'm at home, I'll edit the iotd with a link to the source for those interested! I liked your mini color picker rethan.  
Posted August 19, 2009 5:02:47 PM
Sixth Age: A New Spirit Well thanks for all the great comments about the game. The screenshots do look nice, but I haven't heard much feedback on what the actual experience was like for those who downloaded the game. From the few folks who played the game I heard feedb... 
Posted November 9, 2005 5:13:35 PM
Sixth Age: A New Spirit The single programmer was me. A good design and coding practice works wonders down the road on a large project such as this. In total there are just over 20,000 lines of code for everything. FMOD was used for sound and I took full advantage of u... 
Posted October 30, 2005 11:36:07 PM
Sixth Age: A New Spirit I forgot to mention the requirements for the game if you want to try the demo. We recommend: 2.0 Ghz CPU 512 RAM DirectX 9 Compliant Video Card with vertex/pixel shader 2.0 support. As well the game is strictly turn-based and requires 2 player... 
Posted October 27, 2005 3:24:09 PM
Particle Editor Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with my webhost. Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Ryan Gaule 
Posted September 22, 2005 3:55:57 PM
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