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Member Since 3/30/2007 8:33:54 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Building normals array for glDrawElements() Hello, I'm trying to use glDrawElements() with the normals calculated at run-time... Normal calculation is correct because it is working in immediate mode: flat shaded object appears correctly. My questions are: - How many normals do I have... 
Posted October 28, 2010 4:03:51 AM
S imple G raphic E ngine Hi, I'm working on a simple 2D/3D C++ library, as many of you :) This screenshot is the result of one year of work. I'm now trying to achieve a basic shoot-em-up in 3D... You may see more on Thanks in advance for... 
Posted April 15, 2007 2:47:34 AM
Rendering spaceship burners Hi, I'm wondering how to render spaceship burners? Do I have to use the stencil buffer? Thanks in advance for any advise, microb 
Posted November 26, 2009 2:37:14 AM
Orientation matrices interpolation Hi, I'm searching for the way to interpolate two orientation matrices (3x3). I've read a bit about the question and googled but I don't find the solution explained in a way I understand (note: mathematical notation is hard for me). So I'm sea... 
Posted November 24, 2009 3:21:55 AM
Beta test of an OpenGL demo Hi reader, I'm searching for people to beta test a demo I've created with OpenGL mainly. It runs on Windows XP and hasn't been tested on Vista yet. This beta test is needed before releasing the demo on a dedicated Web site (htt... 
Posted April 6, 2009 3:17:57 PM
GCC vs. VC++ Hello, I'm developing a simple 3D library and I'm trying to port my GCC (MinGW) code to Visual Studio Express 2008. I assign the pointer of an existing object to another pointer. It is working with GCC but not with VC :/ Here is the code that... 
Posted February 9, 2009 3:27:49 AM
E3D goes VC++ Hello, We are adapting our Easy3D library to Visual C++ 2008 Express. We have a running demo with source code (Visual Studio project) available at in the download section. The demo shows how to use fonts, textures, sound... 
Posted September 20, 2008 5:42:58 PM
E3D v0.2b + new applications Hello community, E3D, a C++ library for games, is now at version 0.2b - a few fixes from v0.2 More important: two new applications have been released. They are available at There is a 3D roguelike (prototype) and a demo... 
Posted September 6, 2008 5:57:59 AM
E3D v0.2 - a C++ game library for Windows Hello, Easy3D is a simple C++ library for Windows (MinGW). Mainly based on OpenGL, it is also using Cg, lib3DS, freetype2 + FTGL, Newton Game Dynamics and BASS. More details on Thank you for your interest, mic... 
Posted August 27, 2008 3:45:28 AM
Newton Game Dynamics Hello, Using Newton Game Dynamics... I'm applying torque and force to an object. I use the SetTransformCallback to get the transformation matrix and extract the position of the object. But I can't find it's orientation... Can anyone help? Thank... 
Posted August 7, 2008 1:59:28 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Building normals array for glDrawElements() Hello Brother Bob, Thx for replying so quickly... Quote: You need exactly one normal for every vertex, and you need to organize the normal array such that the n:th normal in the normal array is the normal for the n:th vertex in the vertex... 
Posted October 28, 2010 4:25:24 AM
Rendering spaceship burners Hi Tyrian, Thank you for the reply. I'll try with the particles (point sprites), taking care to draw from far to near. If anyone has experience with spaceship burners, please, post something... Thanks, microb 
Posted November 26, 2009 9:55:37 AM
Orientation matrices interpolation Hi, I've successfully added the Slerp() method to my Quaternion class. Here is the code I use (based on my lib, // // Render the player's ship // Quaternion q; Matrix3 m = m_pBody->RotationMatrix(); q.F... 
Posted November 25, 2009 7:27:52 AM
Orientation matrices interpolation Hi dgreen02, > One easy way is to convert each 3x3 rotation matrix to a quaternion and then > SLERP (spherical linear interpolation) between them, and then convert the > result back to a 3x3 ... Understood. > Not sure if you... 
Posted November 24, 2009 8:37:13 AM
GCC vs. VC++ Quote: You don't need to check for NULL before deleting. If you look up the description of delete or delete[] (yes there are two variants) then you'll notice that it already ignores NULL pointers and does nothing. OK, I've modified the macro. T... 
Posted February 11, 2009 6:30:27 AM
GCC vs. VC++ Hello Zahlman, Quote: Quote: static CUBE aCubes[NUM_CUBES+3]; Now I'm confused. If NUM_CUBES is the number of cubes, why do you need NUM_CUBES + 3 CUBES in your array? Why not just adjust NUM_CUBES correspondingly? "Number of cubes" i... 
Posted February 10, 2009 4:16:41 AM
GCC vs. VC++ kRogue: I'm not doing: for(i=0;i<NUM_CUBES;++i) { delete aCubes[i].mesh; } I just do: E3D_DELETE(pCube2); E3D_DELETE(pCube1); note: #define E3D_DELETE(x) { if ((x) != NULL) { delete (x); (x) = 0; } } I've removed parentisis... 
Posted February 9, 2009 7:20:02 AM
GCC vs. VC++ D_Tr Thank you, I didn't know... I've removed this operator. Can you explain why I can't do that? Or just a link with info? Driv3MeFar: It is crashing... I receive an error message when I do what D_Tr has advised me against. So I've tried: ... 
Posted February 9, 2009 4:52:07 AM
E3D v0.2b + new applications [ FIXED 09/06/08 20:01 GMT+1 ] WARNING! The demo with source code is broken! I'll fix this as soon as I'm at home ;) Sorry, microb [Edited by - microb on September 6, 2008 12:35:29 PM] 
Posted September 6, 2008 9:35:34 AM
Newton Game Dynamics Hi Buckeye, Thanks a lot for your answer! I'll try it immediately...  
Posted August 10, 2008 3:41:41 AM
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