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Member Since 10/25/2005 5:23:19 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
HT3D - preview Hello folks, We are a small team (HardTopNet) currently developing a 3D engine, which will be used later in a sci-fi FPS. Here's what we've used so far: > MSVC++ 8.0 with PSDK > OpenGL with GLSL > GLUT, GLEW > JPEG lib > The... 
Posted April 13, 2006 4:54:27 PM
Render to texture: difference between ATI and nVidia? Hey all, I've just tested this on my brand new FS Amilo laptop, fitted with a 6800Go GeForce. I don't get the same result as with my desktop Radeon 9800 Pro. Here are the shots: on the radeon, the refraction shows up correctly: on the... 
Posted April 27, 2006 4:04:01 PM
VBO + octree + shaders ? Hello all! I'm can't figure out how to sort this problem out. > I have to use an frustum-culled octree structure to render my geometry, BUT I have to use vertex arrays or VBO's (of course). How should I store data to make this possible and e... 
Posted April 20, 2006 4:20:33 AM
HDR effect on SM2.0 hardware? Hello folks, I'd like to render a HDR effect to my scene, but I'd like to render it on a Shader Model 2.0 hardware. I know this is possible, although SM2.0 doesn't feature floating-point color buffers (see the HDRLighting sample from the D... 
Posted April 9, 2006 6:40:49 AM
IF statement in FS causes big FPS drop!? I've got a strange issue here. I'm using a custom map format, in which I may have one or more textures per face. I'm willing to have my shader render the right textures according to the ones associated to the current face, i.e. one fa... 
Posted February 15, 2006 3:48:35 AM
One shader that does'em all, or several specialized shaders? Hi all, I was wondering what could be the best solution performance-wise: > to use one shader which does my blinn-lighting OR bump-mapping, according to a parameter, or > to use one shader per specific use-case, keeping in min... 
Posted February 13, 2006 7:45:07 AM
glVertexPointer / glTexCoordPointer indexing problem Hello GameDev'ers, I've been running into a problem I don't know how to sort out. Here's the point: I have arrays containing vertices, normals and texcoords. The problem is that these arrays are not indexed the same way :s I mean: vertices a... 
Posted February 10, 2006 10:40:49 AM
GLSL performance with per-pixel bump mapping = slow? Hello folks, I know that doing Per-Pixel lighting will lead to increased calculations, and thus performance hits, but when I apply this bump-mapping shader, my performance drops from about 150fps to 15fps... this seems too much! [help] Here is... 
Posted October 27, 2005 3:43:43 AM
passing spotDirection from VS to FS works on ATI, not on nVidia? Hello folks, got a strange problem over here: I've written a shader to perform PPL and bump/offset mapping (or parallax, call it the way you prefer [Wink] ) and it's working fine on my ATI 9800 Pro, but not really on the nVidia FX 5200 a... 
Posted October 25, 2005 5:33:51 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
HT3D - preview Hey all ;) thanks a lot for your interest! Dirge> good idea, that'll be easier. I'll also improve sun luminosity when I perform HDR rendering. zedzeek> I did the first models myself, and I want them low-poly on purpose because I'll h... 
Posted April 22, 2006 4:37:31 AM
HT3D - preview Actually I'm currently the only developer of the team. I'm developing this during my leisure time, mostly to learn 3D programming techniques and whatever else is needed for game programming. But one thing is certain: we'll need lots of beta... 
Posted April 16, 2006 7:38:09 AM
HT3D - preview Funny you seem to think that it's easier to achieve such results with DX rather than OpenGL... I always felt lots more comfortable with OpenGL's API than DX's COM structure. Anyway thank you for your interest ;) HT 
Posted April 14, 2006 11:53:17 AM
HT3D - preview Hi Thanks for feedback. Actually the sun is reflected, but as the reflection is a bit darker, the sun doesn't seem to reflect (If I understand what you mean then no, the sun does not "emit" light yet, it's just a texture. I'll make it a lot bright... 
Posted April 14, 2006 3:23:52 AM
HDR effect on SM2.0 hardware? Yeah indeed, tone mapping; with blue-shift is even better. I'd like to render a HDR effect which consists of: > tone-mapping (shift light range to get the high range within visible range); must store HDR values somewhere > bloom (must re... 
Posted April 11, 2006 4:43:05 AM
HDR effect on SM2.0 hardware? Yeah actually I just can't figure out what the differences between SM2.0 and SM3.0 are; considering HDR. SM2.0 does support FP buffers, but I thought I had to perform some clamping of some sort at some time. :? It's still a little bit confused in... 
Posted April 11, 2006 3:33:41 AM
IF statement in FS causes big FPS drop!? Sorry, I didn't remember about that source tag Will be better this way I guess :) I think I'll go for multipass rendering for each additional light. Only light 0 will be constant. Thanks again HT 
Posted February 15, 2006 7:54:20 AM
IF statement in FS causes big FPS drop!? Thanks for your quick reply. I thought about writing a shader for each case, but I was concerned about the performance penalty of changing active shader program multiple times per rendering pass. I guess it should work good anyway, provided I sort... 
Posted February 15, 2006 4:47:18 AM
One shader that does'em all, or several specialized shaders? Thanks, Phantom. That's kind of what I had in mind, as all the code is executed all the same, regardless of conditional statements. I have a Radeon 9800, SM2.0 (I think ;)) HardTop 
Posted February 13, 2006 8:24:17 AM
glVertexPointer / glTexCoordPointer indexing problem Thanks guys... that's what I assumed, that I had to reorganize my data. I'll give that a try. 
Posted February 11, 2006 4:58:28 AM
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