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Member Since 1/25/2004 5:09:35 AM
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What is a good book for programming games with opengl The second - OpenGL Programming Guide - is just that. It's a 'guide', and tells you about the functions of OpenGL, and how to use them. It teaches using GLU(GL Utility Library) and GLUT(GL Utility Toolkit). It assumes a good knowledge of C program... 
Posted December 14, 2004 11:00:39 AM
C++ Programmer needed - 3D Fantasy Action-RPG (not a MMORPG) Hi, I’ve been using C++ for about 9 months. Not very experience in games yet (almost done a simple tetris clone but that’s about it). Not sure if I’d be any help, but I need the experience in coding if you do.... e-mail: andre... 
Posted April 7, 2004 8:10:30 PM
C++ Classes Madone, This is because you’ve started by creating the wrong type of project for a Win 32 program. There are two ways to fix it: (1) Create a new project of the correct type, and read all your files too it, or (2) change the type of the curren... 
Posted March 13, 2004 2:23:45 AM
ok, I want to get this over with once & for all Hi, Are you looking for a book to learn C++, or do you want a god reference for content you are already aware of/are a little experienced in? This link will take you to the section of (I presume because you are in Europe the delivery... 
Posted February 16, 2004 5:15:47 PM
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