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How do you pass a float to a shader program?
Hi Guys,
I am new to shader programming (like 1 Hr new :) and I can't work out how to send a float value from C++ to my shader.
The shader itself is working fine. If I set the 'nTest' value manually from within the shader I can make my object l... |
Posted December 7, 2010 4:47:39 AM
Increasing the size of an array
Hi Guys,
Is there a way to increase the size of an array within the program itself?
For example, turn test[10] into test[10000] during program execution.
Because each array will be computationally expensive I dont want to have a large array... |
Posted November 18, 2010 1:36:26 AM
Problems using scroll wheel
Hi guys,
I have setup a message handler for detecting movement of the scroll wheel, which is all good.
But, the problem I am having is that wParam seems to be holdi... |
Posted September 9, 2010 8:18:36 PM
WPA encryption
Does anyone know of a good (and fast) API that can be used to encode WPA keys (same as used for wireless).
I have found a routine to do this in pure C++ calls but it is relatively slow, encoding at about 1 key per every 2 seconds.
Thanks in adv... |
Posted June 1, 2010 10:15:45 PM
Detecting how many cores a system has
Is there a way to detect how many cores a CPU has (in a win32 system)?
Thanks in advance :) |
Posted June 5, 2010 7:01:29 AM
Win32 cant detect button press
Hi Guys,
I am playing with Parent windows and child windows. All is working as I want except I cant detect the press of IDC_MAIN_BUTTON in the child window.
#d... |
Posted May 24, 2010 4:02:22 AM
GPS API for windows
Does anyone know of a GPS API for Windows (in C++) that will work with any reciever?
Thanks in advance. |
Posted May 6, 2010 5:11:14 PM
Basic thread question
If I have a main program running and then create a new thread within the program, is it possible to pass the HWND of a window that is created within the new thread back to the main program?
The reason for this is that I want to have a 'loader' scr... |
Posted January 24, 2010 12:33:29 AM
Problems buidling a terrain
Hi Guys,
I have been trying to get a terrain class / function working for use in a project I am working on.
I am so close but when I call Engine::draw() I get a bunch of last chance exceptions. I am pretty sure if this function or 3 lines... |
Posted November 20, 2009 5:41:00 AM
Problems creating a triangle plane
I am currently trying to create a triangle plane (grid) - derived from Frank Luna's DirectX9c book.
It compiles ok but throws exceptions around this line in my 'framework.cpp' file.
... |
Posted November 15, 2009 2:43:55 AM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
Multiplayer Game
That is exactly how I would go about it :) |
Posted January 1, 2011 6:32:08 AM
Beginner networking questions
Correct. Writing a lobby shouldn't be too hard though |
Posted January 1, 2011 6:19:28 AM
D3D9 & HLSL First Triangle (nothing appears on screen)
Try with D3DRS_LIGHTING on or off.
I had the same issues recently and it didn't show up because of lack of normals. |
Posted December 11, 2010 5:41:38 PM
Dev-C++ doesn't work anymore
Try "\r\n" and se if that works. |
Posted December 11, 2010 5:31:54 PM
How do you pass a float to a shader program?
Oh man, silly mistake.
Thanks for your help, though. That was awesome of you to point that out.
Good to know I am on the right track, anyway :) |
Posted December 7, 2010 5:01:44 AM
Need some info to get started with network programming
I use winsock. It's not that hard. :) |
Posted December 3, 2010 5:30:15 PM
Literature available
Or here... |
Posted November 27, 2010 2:45:24 AM
Using FD_WRITE event handler
UDP preserves packet boundaries. But, then you get other potential issues. |
Posted November 25, 2010 5:01:49 AM
I'll dig up some of my code shortly for you (On a different PC).
I use D3DXCreateText() all the time and it works well. At glance I can't see anything wrong - but there must be something going on :) |
Posted November 18, 2010 3:03:14 PM
Increasing the size of an array
Worked it out. All good
it->nItem1 etc...
Thanks for your help on this guys! |
Posted November 18, 2010 3:51:09 AM
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