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Nickname deadwing 
State/Province, Country Campania   Italy
GD Gathering City Salerno, Campania, Italy
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Member Since 8/31/2006 3:43:17 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed Team name: We Have Explosive Project name: Technocracy Brief description: In the early 2006, we started working on Akom3D, a shader-based, powerful and fast 3D engine, based on DirectX 9 (soon on DirectX 10 too). Now the... 
Posted December 2, 2006 2:57:54 PM
Akom3D - We Have Explosive In the early 2006, we started working on Akom3D, a shader-based, powerful and fast 3D engine, based on DirectX 9 (soon on DirectX 10 too). Now the engine is at a good level; we will release the first beta version on January 2007... 
Posted December 16, 2006 10:48:19 PM
game data in a zip archive First of all sorry for my english :P ... i have a question, i want to pack all my game data in a protected file, is it good to use a zip archive for this? Thanks in advance ;) 
Posted September 1, 2006 11:28:58 AM
Direct3D 7 on Source and Call of duty 2 Hi! First of all, sorry for my bad english, and sorry if this is a noob question, too. I just want to know what does it mean that the Source Engine supports DirectX 6 up to 9 and CoD 2 supports DirectX 7 for rendering. Do they use old DirectX code... 
Posted August 31, 2006 4:15:21 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed I'm sorry for anyone who tried to send a mail to our address in these days - the mailbox was full and we didn't know that. Thanks to Overture for the information. 
Posted January 9, 2007 7:09:22 AM
Offering job:don't miss! Quote:Original post by reyyy *BIG UPDATE* Atlast i have made homepaga you can find it at, withing month it will change to I only see a Joomla vanilla install there... :(  
Posted January 4, 2007 10:17:29 PM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed Quote:Original post by Evil Booger Wow. I don't even feel worthy of posting here. Feel free to post suggestions/critics, we love to hear them and improve our work ;) 
Posted December 24, 2006 9:44:06 AM
Akom3D - We Have Explosive Thanks to you guys. We are currently building a tech demo that we'll release on January - you'll be able to find it on our website, where we'll also put the first beta release of Akom3D. By the way, you can join the beta-testers group... 
Posted December 22, 2006 2:33:38 PM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed You can subscribe here: 
Posted December 21, 2006 5:57:27 AM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed Updates: - Implemented a Windows\Linux main server that manages all the match registrations. Now when a player wants to create its own server, the game will make a request to the main server that will either accept or deny the request. The main se... 
Posted December 18, 2006 7:30:22 AM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed Code updates: - Console script system implemented. The user can now define his own command scripts to quickly execute operations (e.g. login the game, create a server with a defined name/map/port and post a message in the chat, all with one cli... 
Posted December 15, 2006 1:04:49 PM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed updates: - Online test demo completed, we are now able to create a server, chat with the users that connect, kick or ban (for that session or permanently) them and start a match. Currently a player can move his character and the others will vi... 
Posted December 13, 2006 4:56:05 AM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed Quote:Original post by Virtuoso Are you interested in writers? I'm sorry, but we are looking for 3d artists only at the moment. 
Posted December 9, 2006 3:41:52 AM
Technocracy [cyberpunk online wargame] 3D Artists and Level Designers needed Quote:Original post by Eclipse WHE [cut] ... limiting the MMO component only at the managerial part of the gameplay. Yes, we will use a MySQL database for user data (added to "Technology") :) 
Posted December 4, 2006 7:29:03 AM
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