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Get to know FrankW...  
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Nickname FrankW 
State/Province, Country Zuid-Holland   Netherlands
GD Gathering City Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Member Since 3/16/2007 12:22:48 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Planet engine Hello, I have build a planet terrain engine. It generates textures real time when you move. Its also uses roaming for triangle mesh optimalization. I'am working on a new version now that has even more detail. I'am also trying to get the pl... 
Posted April 13, 2007 4:05:45 PM
Planet engine This is my attempt for a planet terrain engine. I use openGl for rendering. Requirements are OpenGl 2.0 (fragment shader). For more information see my website:  
Posted March 18, 2007 3:40:54 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Planet engine The planet is partially procedurally generated. I've chosen not to generate the planet completely because I wanted to have some control over the way the planet looks. I'am working on a new version now that has more data generated at runtime s... 
Posted April 13, 2007 5:14:35 PM
Planet engine Hello xiuhcoatl, Thank you for trying out the demo. I've only tested the engine with Nvidia cards sofar. The error means somehow the vertex/fragment program is not accepted by your card. Please tell me what card you have, so I can maybe fix t... 
Posted April 13, 2007 4:42:43 PM
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