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Get to know alexscorpion...  
Full Name Aleksandar 
Nickname alexscorpion 
State/Province, Country Varna   Bulgaria
GD Gathering City Varna, Varna, Bulgaria
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ICQ ID 212522947 
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Member Since 6/10/2005 5:08:30 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
DS capture strange noise hi, I am trying to capture some voice from microphone to my program. I use DSound 8 (as far as I know) and everything is fine with the program. I use notification system and secondary buffer. that is not importand. the problem is that there is so... 
Posted April 12, 2007 10:18:06 AM
sent empty packets? i have client program that automatically exchanges files with server. the problem is that the client somehow sends packets with ZERO length. in the code that is supposed. it happens both in loopback( and in remote connection mode. have that... 
Posted August 22, 2006 11:29:44 AM
how to connect peer-to-peer behind router description: some inet supliers connects you to router and you have some IP but it is "unreal", "fake". i made network program but it fails to connect to such IP. the connections within the router area are possible as well, but from outside aren't! ... 
Posted March 10, 2006 5:45:43 AM
how do you recv() numbers? i thought it would be easy but the following does not work: //====================================================================== sprintf(msg, "~file~%s~%lu", szFileTitle, dwFileSize);//my command MessageBox(hMainWnd, msg, "send test", MB_O... 
Posted February 28, 2006 4:39:21 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
sent empty packets? we went a little off topic. the question is: why my program sends empty packets when there is no such call to send()? code snippet: nRet = send(sckt, "request", 8, 0); nRet = recv(sckt, buff, 4096, 0); buff[nRet]='\0'; // terminate accepted... 
Posted August 25, 2006 10:17:07 AM
sent empty packets? why does recv() intersept that metadata? it is not supposed to... 
Posted August 23, 2006 8:46:42 AM
sent empty packets? it is TCP and that is the weird thing. i dont get 0 on recv() but after terminition of the string the displayed is like this "" case FD_READ: // Receive data { char buff[4097]; int nRet = recv(mainsock, buff... 
Posted August 23, 2006 8:17:20 AM
how to connect peer-to-peer behind router i got the idea but what about the introducer? i can't figure out how to establish that practically? should i write my oun server or to use existing one? and hoe to connect to the other guy using introducer? how would the server know where i wish... 
Posted March 20, 2006 8:21:58 AM
how to connect peer-to-peer behind router 10x, i read it, it's cool with many links. i will set link to it at my site. [Edited by - alexscorpion on March 17, 2006 4:03:31 AM] 
Posted March 17, 2006 5:03:01 AM
how to connect peer-to-peer behind router so this is only hardware, notjing programmable? 
Posted March 16, 2006 10:46:20 AM
how to connect peer-to-peer behind router i feel like lamer here :-|. i couldn't grasp anything that you said. would you repeat at low-level what manual forwarding is? i'm not complitely new at network programming (see here ) but most of the terms you used i never knew... 
Posted March 15, 2006 2:48:24 AM
client-server problem using these i created fairly untrivial program: ->that makes exactly that -> this is good also -> winAPI 32 very good thing ... 
Posted February 28, 2006 11:37:57 AM
how do you recv() numbers? actually it is. it was in that: strDW holds "~563" and thats why i get zero from atol... thank for spending your time reading this 
Posted February 28, 2006 11:24:55 AM
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