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State/Province, Country Region Metropolitana   Chile
GD Gathering City Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile
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Member Since 3/15/2007 9:24:41 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Strategy Game: Programmer needed My name is Rod and I'm looking for a programmer for our newest game. I'm Game Launch Project's producer, and our latest game was Bunny Flags (google it). We are planning on developing strategy games and start building a new IP. Currently, we... 
Posted November 22, 2010 2:02:55 PM
About visiting Expos/Events: Casual Connect Seattle Hey guys. I'm thinking on assist to the upcoming event (July) Casual Connect Seattle, organized by the Casual Games Association. I'm Game Producer/Owner of a game development company and we are interested in start working on casual game... 
Posted February 5, 2009 2:53:53 PM
New site content and design for my indie company! :) Hey guys, I have been in this forum for quite some time. Many things I have learned here, much of them helped directly to the development of my own little company. Since october 1 i have been uploading content to it's new website. I want to share it... 
Posted October 6, 2007 11:02:25 PM
Rayitas TM - Mobile Game from Cuatic Games Hello People! My name is Rodrigo Contreras and I'm a mobile game developer. I'm co-owner of Cuatic Games, a small indie game development company. I'm happy to announce that we recently finish developing/testing our first indie game for mobile h... 
Posted September 5, 2007 3:24:16 PM
Experience on current generation or next-generation console systems? I don't know if this post goes here, so I'm sorry in advance if I'm wrong. Looking to apply to Level designing game development, i saw this resquest sentence in a company's level designer job's description. Could anyone tell me what that does "Exp... 
Posted August 21, 2007 10:04:00 AM
PDA Development Alternatives... Wich are they? For instance, Pokect PC has C++, Visual Basica and i don't know what else. In this case, Palm, which are they? Thanks 
Posted August 12, 2007 11:39:55 PM
Troubles with RGB colors and images. J2ME I sent so much time working on a midlet that could write on a buffered image several rgb arrays. This buffer should save the static status of a board game and then i should just call that image and not draw all the pieces by them self. But... 
Posted July 27, 2007 12:59:31 AM
Mobile Game Development, a Tough Business Hey Guys. I got to be honest. I'm freaking out lately. Since the past 2 years we have been working to make mobile game development a business... thing that only can be achieved by selling your games in MAAANY places at the same time. The thing i... 
Posted August 9, 2007 10:45:07 PM
Visual Basic: Image Visible based on name Hey Guys. I have the following problem: i'm managing several images and just one of them needs to be visible. How can i do to make one of them visible based on an integer variables called (for example) ImageNumber then i just need to... 
Posted August 7, 2007 2:47:29 PM
Do J2ME Midlets work on PocketPC and Palm? If not, what do I need to do to make them work? How can I develop for PocketPC? That. Thanks! 
Posted August 3, 2007 11:39:07 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
About visiting Expos/Events: Casual Connect Seattle Do you think we could really assist to those company for some sort of interview to learn about them and get contacts? Rod 
Posted February 8, 2009 8:47:34 PM
New site content and design for my indie company! :) Of course, I would like some feedback! I'll be announcing it in the forum when all content and modifications are made and uploaded. :) Most regards. 
Posted October 7, 2007 1:03:59 PM
Experience on current generation or next-generation console systems? Ooooh, i see. THanks! 
Posted August 21, 2007 10:53:13 AM
Mobile Game Development, a Tough Business Tsloper, that means i need to talk to Konami? (for instance) 
Posted August 10, 2007 2:47:08 PM
Mobile Game Development, a Tough Business JoeJ, I found your idea quite interesting. I think that it will be a very good way to work for all of us indie developers. Can we talk further about this subject in person (thru internet)? Send me a PM, maybe with your email, msn or skype contact. ... 
Posted August 10, 2007 10:28:08 AM
Mobile Game Development, a Tough Business We have 2 games (3 more being developed) and 25 more app (comics) for mobile handsets. 
Posted August 10, 2007 7:20:39 AM
Any experience on working with a publisher? this link is broken? i saw it a couple of days ago... but now its broken. :S 
Posted July 21, 2007 4:51:53 PM
Creating image from canvas? it throws: java.lang.NullPointerException mmmmh, i haven't been able to find an answer to why it can throw nullpointerexception. The strange thing is that the image IS being created... also in a try/catch and it doesn't throw any issues.  
Posted July 17, 2007 11:26:24 AM
Creating image from canvas? Quote:Original post by trojanman What is the actual problem? Does it throw an exception? Does it just not display to the screen? It Throws an exception. Quote:Original post by trojanman Is marcoFinalAzul a mutable or immutable image? (What... 
Posted July 17, 2007 10:19:01 AM
Creating image from canvas? here's some source... i cant past it all because its 3000 lines long. Of course there are some public void "veryimportantemethod"() missing.... i just didnt put them :) public class BaseCanvasA extends GameCanvas implements Runnable { int o... 
Posted July 16, 2007 4:23:36 PM
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