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Nickname b3rs3rk 
State/Province, Country Campania   Italy
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Member Since 3/20/2003 8:21:58 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Phoenix Engine Screenshots from my (alway work in progress) engine, called Phoenix Engine. Main features: Game state manager Kd-Tree scene culling GPU skinning Infinite Terrain rendering with GPU Geometry Clipmaps Parallel Split Shadowmaps Soft Shadows Plug... 
Posted May 15, 2007 1:10:23 PM
Pollo Engine Updates Hi! I just wanted to share some new features I've added to my (always wip) engine :) This time I've focused on two things: deferred rendering and ssao. Following some tutorials here and there (mainly on Ziggyware...), after reading a lot... 
Posted August 19, 2009 5:30:16 PM
Fractal Compression Approach for Efficient Interactive Terrain Rendering on the GPU Hi all! This is the work I made at the University of Salerno (Italy) for my Master Thesis, it describes an efficient technique for the rendering of large terrain surfaces :) Here's the abstract: The technique is based on a simple rings s... 
Posted July 6, 2008 9:18:27 PM
Isometric Tiles Culling Hi! I've started a small isometric renderer and now I would like to reduce a bit the draw calls... does anyone know a good tutorial on how to check which iso-tiles are on screen? Thank you :) 
Posted June 2, 2009 5:57:42 PM
Isometric Tiles Culling I've already posted this in the Iso Forum, but got no responses... Anyway, I've started a small isometric renderer and now I would like to reduce a bit the draw calls... does anyone know a good tutorial on how to check which iso-tiles are ... 
Posted June 3, 2009 7:15:45 PM
Deferred shading problem Hi guys! I have a small problem with my deferred shading implementation... in a nutshell, I'm rendering some point lights, but they continue to move with the camera :S In my G-Buffer, the depth is computed this way: output.Depth = ( viewPosition.... 
Posted February 22, 2009 2:04:38 PM
Deinterlacing problems with Diablo 1 assets Hi all! I'm working on a small hack'n'slash and because I have no graphic skills at all, I've managed to read the assets from Diablo 1 (obviously this project won't go commercial). I have a problem with one (and only one) of... 
Posted January 5, 2009 8:38:39 PM
Engine Update I've updated my engine adding support for post rendering shaders (all written in hlsl). The system handles a chain of effects controlled by a very simple scripting system (it can add and remove the effects and modify parameters without recompiling, v... 
Posted September 18, 2006 11:20:58 PM
Tile Editor Tile Editor is, as the name can suggest, a tile editor for 2D games (and yes, the name will be changed) :D It was written in C# using XNA and has (for now) few cool useful features:Tileset libraryMap export (to Png)Saving/LoadingAbility to define cu... 
Posted November 18, 2008 3:57:45 PM
World in Conflict World in Conflict is a VERY simple turn-based strategy game, made in C# with XNA. The gameplay it's very easy: 2 players against each other, using the base ruleset of the first edition of Risiko. Controls: Left mouse button adds a tank (if av... 
Posted September 5, 2008 1:36:28 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
XNA : A Simple Way To Create Real Water I suggest to learn a bit of shader programming. Changing the y value of each vertex in the shader code will increase the performance enormously, allowing you to increment the number of vertices in your buffer ( more vertices -> better quality) 
Posted September 2, 2010 8:35:48 AM
Entity Collection Modifications maybe you could find this useful : // This is allocated once, at the class-level scope readonly List<Potato> expiredPotatoes = new List<Potato>(); public void Update() { // Standard update foreach (var potato in potatoBag) ... 
Posted October 9, 2009 3:23:47 PM
Master's Thesis & Research - How? from my experience, most of the "research work" is scrubbling the net searching papers and more papers, till you find something you like (step 1). Once you find it, step two is searching MORE papers bout what's the State-Of-The-Art, history, bibl... 
Posted October 2, 2009 5:58:30 AM
How to prevent user from accidentally deleting a pointer?? You don't. Keep in mind that you should concentrate on making your code work and later perform well, but don't waste your time fighting stupidity. You can't do anything if someone makes wrong use of your libraries. 
Posted September 26, 2009 2:58:28 PM
Xna spriteBatch trouble =( I suppose you're using a regular grid, not isometric projection... Anyway, in my tile renderer i have a "base" layer that contains the background, a top layer (yah!) and a middle layer. This one contains a list of objects (sprites). Every... 
Posted August 27, 2009 11:06:53 AM
Pollo Engine Updates first of all, thank you for your comments :) Yes, the AO is probably wrong, I'm aware of that. The problem is that to compute it I use also data from the normal map, and this can lead to artifacts like the ones on the head ( obviously du... 
Posted August 21, 2009 11:12:45 AM
Fractal Compression Approach for Efficient Interactive Terrain Rendering on the GPU Quote:Original post by Gooberius I've only had a quick skim through the paper so far, good work, it all looks nice and straightforward, the only thing that I'm wondering about is how quick/easy it is to get information out of the fractal c... 
Posted July 28, 2009 10:28:24 AM
Isometric Tiles Culling it's a bit more complex than that. Of course, once I'm able to perform World to Screen space transformation easily, I could cycle on the tiles list and check if they're visible (each frame or every camera update), but I suppose there's a be... 
Posted June 4, 2009 6:13:39 AM
Isometric Tiles Culling Quote:Original post by rxa How are you doing World to Screen space transformation? Still have to work on that :D It's the first time I look at this, I really don't know where to start :/  
Posted June 4, 2009 5:48:03 AM
Transfer and Receive a structure over a (char*) buffer my fault, I always tend to make things simpler than what they should be :) Anyway (to @stianstr), why don't you take a look at some pre-built library? RakNet is very good for such things :) 
Posted May 28, 2009 6:52:40 AM
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