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Full Name Pawel S
Nickname pabloes 
State/Province, Country Kielce   Poland
GD Gathering City Kraskow, Kielce, Poland
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Member Since 2/27/2006 6:48:43 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Opengl window and a problem with Z coordinates. Guys, i've created an OpenGL window in my Windows application, it is being created under the listbox via: label=CreateWindow("static", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, 4, //start... 
Posted December 27, 2007 7:10:43 PM
Parsing received data Hi guys, till yesterday i've been sending simple packets that were built with: char packet[10]; packet[1]=START_PACKET; //magic number packet[2]=TYPE_PACKET; //walk, weather... packet[3]=data1; packet[4]=data2; packet[5]=END_PACKET; //magi... 
Posted April 24, 2007 8:01:10 AM
Polish MMORPG First Polish MMORPG, written since April 2006 - by 1 coder and 1 art creator. We have acomplished first Alpha tests with 15 users online. The engine has been made from scratch by me, render based on OpenGL. I've implemented dynamic... 
Posted December 7, 2006 2:49:46 PM
SENDING INTEGER / FLOAT VALUES IN PACKET Heloo everyone, i've stuck in a place called 'dead row' - and all that because of a one single thing. The packet structure i send looks somehow like: char packet[32]; packet[0]=PROPERACTION_HEADER; packet[1]=positionx; packet[2]=po... 
Posted June 23, 2006 10:11:41 AM
[MD3 ARTIST NEEDED] Team name: Morphan Development / Medieval Empires Project name: Medieval Empires Brief description: Massively played 3D third person game - project up since late January 2006. Created till now by 1 person. Target aim: Free Compen... 
Posted March 11, 2006 6:08:38 AM
MD3 - TEXTURE, TRANSPARENT Gentlemens, as You probably know - MD3 models have a skin texture applied to them while loading. Imagine a model of a Tree with texture that has leafs on a black background, should i do another mask texture to make that work correctly (bl... 
Posted March 1, 2006 9:31:46 AM
MORPHAN - MMOG Hello everyone, i would like to announce the MORPHAN game title: It is still in the early development stage, but has 2layered (TCP/UDP) Networking model implemented and own OpenGL engine done. Server runs o... 
Posted February 27, 2006 1:04:37 PM
BLACK coulour transparent ? Hello gentlemens, i would like my leaf bitmap to be transparent only in places where bitmap has black pixels, is this possible to be done with GL_BLEND ? i've tried few combinations and all the time green colour becomes transparent too that... 
Posted February 27, 2006 9:29:27 AM
BLACK coulour transparent ? Hello gentlemens, i would like my leaf bitmap to be transparent only in places where bitmap has black pixels, is this possible to be done with GL_BLEND ? i've tried few combinations and all the time green colour becomes transparent too that... 
Posted February 27, 2006 9:29:32 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Opengl window and a problem with Z coordinates. Ok, i worked it out. gluPerspective(45,320/240,1,100); Went into the RenderScene loop and all is okay now. Why? Don't ask me.. 
Posted December 28, 2007 12:11:16 PM
Opengl window and a problem with Z coordinates. Guys, any idea..?  
Posted December 28, 2007 10:59:41 AM
Opengl window and a problem with Z coordinates. Hm, changed the ClearDepth to (1.0) and still the same. I wonder if this is a problem caused by the glwindow that is created in the mainwindow of my application. I program with GL for few years and all other applications are working with no pro... 
Posted December 28, 2007 6:24:05 AM
Opengl window and a problem with Z coordinates. gluPerspective(45.0f,(GLfloat)width/(GLfloat)height,1.1f,100.0f); And still the same, boxes visible when at: 0,0,-1 but when set to : 0,0,-5 I loose them... 
Posted December 28, 2007 5:41:00 AM
Opengl window and a problem with Z coordinates. Uhh, still nothing: I Init the GL : //width = 320, height = 240 glViewport(0, 0, width, height); // Reset The Current Viewport glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Select The Projection Matrix glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Pr... 
Posted December 28, 2007 5:18:56 AM
Parsing received data Okay, it worked fine - few headers and g++ solved the issue. Thanks for the help cheers. 
Posted April 25, 2007 10:51:01 PM
Parsing received data As for *NIX i Code with C, that is why i asked for the possible translation 
Posted April 25, 2007 5:36:57 PM
Parsing received data hplus - i would really like to implement this stuff on the *NIX platform as the server side of the game relies on Slackware. The code as you said does not compile but looks verry usefull, any chance that you would provide here a 'patc... 
Posted April 24, 2007 4:08:56 PM
SENDING INTEGER / FLOAT VALUES IN PACKET Quote:Original post by 0x0bAdBeEf Quote:Original post by pabloes Heloo everyone, i've stuck in a place called 'dead row' - and all that because of a one single thing. The packet structure i send looks somehow like: char packet[32]; ... 
Posted June 23, 2006 11:48:01 AM
SENDING INTEGER / FLOAT VALUES IN PACKET Nope... So, to summarize: sending unsigned char via send(...) works fine from unix box, but sending the same structure from win drops known error: error C2664: 'send' : cannot convert parameter 2 from '_u8 [512]' to 'const char *' _u8... 
Posted June 23, 2006 11:42:43 AM
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