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Member Since 4/6/2010 4:27:07 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Lemonade, My donation to a national organization! Hello Everyone, Long time lurker, former game developer... these days I'm flying solo. As a first whack at a flash and a facebook app, I created Lemonade Day: The Game as a donation for the national organization (prepared4life) that puts o... 
Posted April 7, 2010 10:50:46 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
how to WaitForIdle ? For the most part, I agree with Evil Steve's sentiment... this is rarely a good idea. You can achieve an kind of "idle" state by putting a Query into the command buffer and then spin-locking on GetData. In reality, this just tells you when t... 
Posted December 16, 2010 8:40:33 AM
Optimum Programmable Shader Flow One thing to remember when dealing with performance best practices is that it is a game with trump cards: 1) local observed results trump internet observed results (*) 2) observed results (of any kind) trump theoretical performance (**) (*) th... 
Posted December 14, 2010 1:28:25 PM
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