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Member Since 11/5/2004 9:54:19 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
CDXApp In my small projects, I have until recently been using a CDXApp class. This class has only one instance created at any time, declared in WinMain. WinMain calls in turn DXApp.Render() each frame (while retrieving windows messages and eventua... 
Posted December 11, 2006 3:06:25 PM
Yet another parallax mapping demo I like to make small 3D demos in my spare time, each time focusing on a different technique of 3D programming. These are screenshots from my 22nd project, where I take another look at parallax mapping (now that I understand the underlying theory... 
Posted December 3, 2006 12:58:44 PM
Space and starfield rendering Hi everyone. I'm currently trying to render a starfield (i.e. stars as seen from space), but falling short of ideas and documentation on how to proceed. I already know how to generate an arbitrary sized (rectangular) image of stars with photosho... 
Posted December 24, 2005 8:23:42 PM
Geomipmapping, cracks and triangle fans (now with pics) I am in the process of implementing the geomipmapping algorithm, and I am now trying to solve the problems of the "cracks" (T-junctions or geometry gaps) who appears when two nearby patches have different LODs, it is advised in the paper to use "two... 
Posted October 27, 2005 12:52:09 PM
Problem with texture filtering and ATI radeon mobility Hi everyone, I currently own a laptop with a radeon mobility 9600/9700. My problem is, when I use texture filtering in any program made with dx (dx 9.0c), the only texture filter that works is LINEAR filtering. I can change filtering (for ma... 
Posted May 5, 2005 8:39:24 PM
Understanding cubic env mapping Hi everyone, i'm currently doing environment mapping using cube maps, pixel&vertex shaders. I'm indexing my cube map using the world space reflection vector (i.e. reflect(eye2vertex_world, normal_world) normal_world being interpolated per-vertex), a... 
Posted March 4, 2005 6:35:55 PM
My Properties Window (VS.Net 2003) Hi all, I've lost my properties window ! When i want to see an object's property (i.e. right-click -> properties or View -> Properties), the properties windows doesn't show up. Anyone had this problem before ? can I solve it w/o reinstalling V... 
Posted February 17, 2005 11:32:36 AM
Radial Blur I know how to render a radial-blurred scene, by post-processing it with additive blending and texture coordinate modification of screen-textured quads. But i don't know what is the [B]theory[/B] behind radial blur and what it actually represents ? I... 
Posted December 15, 2004 8:28:11 PM
Spotlight Hi everyone, i'm currently implementing a spotlight by projective texturing and pixel&vertex shaders (HLSL) but i've got some artifacts, like that : I'm implementing a clip plane at the spotlight position, to prevent the light from showing at... 
Posted November 20, 2004 6:20:39 PM
Water effect Hi, i'm currently using projective texture mapping (and hlsl shaders) to render my environment to a plane. Now that my plane acts like a mirror, i would like to animate it so that it has a "water look". What formulas should i use to animate vertices... 
Posted November 15, 2004 3:57:01 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Vergence 3D-Engine Amazing pictures, I thought of HL2 the moment I saw these. Very nice work. 
Posted February 24, 2007 7:22:45 AM
CDXApp Well, I think I'll stick with it then. Thanks for your reply. 
Posted December 12, 2006 11:36:21 AM
Yet another parallax mapping demo I see what you mean Eelco, I'm going to investigate this issue - I now see clearly what the problem is. Thanks everyone for your comments. 
Posted December 6, 2006 6:14:38 PM
Yet another parallax mapping demo I checked, and the same effect appears with just plain normal mapping. Besides, my texture addressing mode is set to wrap, so I don't think the texturing is the problem here :) 
Posted December 4, 2006 1:25:41 PM
Yet another parallax mapping demo Noted, but I already know the cause of this, it's my specular intensity which is too high, making for a very steep change from total darkness to white. This is because I was (and still am) playing with the settings. These do not appear when I lower t... 
Posted December 4, 2006 11:41:42 AM
Yet another parallax mapping demo Code. I don't want to turn this thread into a GP&T one, but I'm going to explain how I go from the height map to the normal map, and then to the final screen image, so you can point me into the right direction. First, I take a random heigh... 
Posted December 4, 2006 11:28:00 AM
Yet another parallax mapping demo Pictures. The same wall as in the preview image; you can actually see the light's position here. The shadows seem properly oriented; turned away from the light, as if there were real bumps. with the light moved a bit : If you don't like... 
Posted December 4, 2006 11:07:21 AM
Yet another parallax mapping demo Thank all for your comments. I know my programming skills are not perfect, and I really trying to improve myself. Now, to answer some of your questions: Quote:Original post by Daivuk Some of your Paralax is wrong. Look inverted. and Quote:Origi... 
Posted December 4, 2006 10:47:06 AM
Yet another parallax mapping demo Yes I'm working in tangent space. Is it wrong to do so ? I might try object space if you say it's better - but I don't know how to make it visually more attractive at such angles. Thanks for your reply. 
Posted December 3, 2006 2:50:55 PM
Space and starfield rendering Thanks sordid, your method is the logical way to project a cubemap onto a cube or a sphere (what I know how to do), but aren't the seams between some faces too obvious ? if that method works well and the seams aren't too noticeable, I'll go with... 
Posted December 24, 2005 10:29:13 PM
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