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Get to know metalman123456123...  
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Nickname metalman123456123 
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GD Gathering City Chicago, IL, United States
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Member Since 8/13/2006 2:00:15 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Max Script for batch render to texture Hey I need to generate normal cages for alot of objects, is there a script I can use with render to texture to do this? 
Posted October 26, 2007 5:29:39 PM
Unreal 3.0 Internship Stuff This is part of my never ending attempt to get an internship at any chicago based game design company. Eh I'll keep trying, this took about 3 days including high rez assest creation. Thanks Again 
Posted October 12, 2007 9:51:30 AM
What does it take???? Okay so heres some info, I'm trying to get an internship I'm 19 and I live in Chicago. I do environments. is my site, please review. I took an art test at a local company and they haven't got back to me. The shot look... 
Posted May 29, 2007 5:00:42 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Textures flow in the pipelline - from the artist sketch to rendering. For art assets in a next gen pipeline, source art is generally pulled from high rez art assets. IE solid modeling, similar to the work done in solid works modeling where all of the literal detail is modeled out. This allows for accurate AO, diffuse... 
Posted July 14, 2009 9:54:44 AM
What does it take???? About 5 hrs to from concept to engine migration. 
Posted May 31, 2007 12:49:50 PM
What does it take???? Thats a good point, I never thought of that. Here's my student email Sorry about that, now I'm even more of a wreak lol. 
Posted May 30, 2007 2:42:04 PM
What does it take???? Whoa thanks alot. The stuff thats shown as the title page is based on some stranglehold concept work, I would love to foward you some of my work to get somemore feedback. Should I hit more future based stuff? or try to hit the realistic mark a... 
Posted May 30, 2007 2:18:58 PM
What does it take???? Yeah thanks for the feedback and the comp. I've gotten a few interviews but either the internship gets cut or after I do an art test as is the case now, I get left in limbo. I'm going to college now, I end my freshmen status in 2 weeks whooh!!!, it... 
Posted May 30, 2007 11:42:19 AM
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