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Get to know Oberon_Command...  
Full Name Ryan Alban
Nickname Oberon_Command 
State/Province, Country Vancouver, BC
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Member Since 5/7/2003 10:29:14 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
[C++] Casting issue with GCC/MinGW implementation of std::string I've been getting an error that puzzles me lately while working with Qt and MinGW's std::string implementation. Apparently, I cannot assign a single char to an std::string. // This code std::string str = 'x'; // produces this error: C:/C++... 
Posted November 5, 2009 5:58:59 PM
A simple and somewhat clunky Lisp interpreter in C#. As I was inspired by "Would you release bad code" thread, I've decided to release the source to this rather unstable and clunky Lisp interpreter I've been sitting on for a little while. I have less use for it than I thought I would (I was going... 
Posted October 26, 2009 7:53:35 PM
When can I call myself a computer scientist? The other day in my cognitive systems course, we had to work on a small project in groups. Everyone introduced themselves since none of us really knew each other yet, and of course as is more or less customary we mentioned our majors (COGS is an... 
Posted October 1, 2009 2:44:13 PM
All I think about during video games is sex It's always while playing FPSs, for some reason. It doesn't matter which game; after some frantic action on-screen, my desire for frantic action OFF-screen increases dramatically. Anyone have any explanation for this? [grin] 
Posted July 22, 2009 12:08:28 PM
Happy Canada day! I didn't see a thread on this, so I made one. To all the Canadians on here, happy Canada day! Here's a Canadian flag for you.  
Posted July 1, 2009 2:53:17 PM
Computer science vs. Cognitive Systems? Having recently (more or less) completed my first year of university, I have a few choices to make. One of which is the usual choosing of my major. At the moment, I'm sort of torn between computer science and something called "Cognitive Syste... 
Posted April 25, 2009 7:36:01 PM
Thinking about getting a new laptop... This topic has been done to death, I would imagine, but I'll ask anyway. I'm looking to get a new laptop, as my current one (which is ~4 years old now) is beginning to die. At the moment, I mainly use it for school, internet, coding, and Star... 
Posted March 16, 2009 1:16:25 PM
[C++] - freopen() vs freopen_s As it happens, I have the following snippet of code in a program I'm working on: // redirect console output to a text file freopen("scorch.log","w",stderr); However, the compiler (VC++ 2008 Express)complains with the following warning: ... 
Posted February 2, 2009 3:22:37 PM
Windows install/recovery CD reboots upon windows reinstallation? [SOLVED] I realize this isn't exactly a Microsoft forum, nor google, but neither place seems able to tell me what might be going on here. Admittedly, I may be framing my search terms incorrectly. Having recently tired of a particular Ubuntu installati... 
Posted January 2, 2009 11:19:03 PM
Switching from vector to deque results in crash upon shutdown? Lately I've gotten a little "memory manager" (not quite complete yet) up and running for my latest project. It was working just fine using an std::vector to keep track of memory "blocks" (which really are just pointers to the objects, with the intent... 
Posted November 17, 2008 11:06:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Programming FML Quote:Original post by way2lazy2care Quote:Original post by Koobazaur The file isn't formatted in a way that can be parsed using the standard << operators of a std::streams. What now? you just rewrite his code snippet to overload your... 
Posted January 5, 2011 10:51:53 PM
Programming FML Quote:Original post by Programmer One Quote:Original post by Koobazaur Quote:Original post by Programmer One The order in which they're evaluated is not guaranteed at all. Noooooo, really? Quote:Original post by Koobazaur And the... 
Posted January 4, 2011 4:39:57 PM
RTS (diablo) game in HTML 5 Quote:Original post by igo88 The thing is, i am thinking about programming a RTS game, like diablo, that can be played entirely in a web browser using HTML 5, and web sockets. Minor nitpick, but Diablo isn't an RTS game, it's a "hack 'n slash" RP... 
Posted January 4, 2011 12:27:26 PM
Ways to avoid the needs and the musts of global variables?? Quote:Original post by phantom - Design Patterns; seriously, stop even trying with this you are just showing your ignorance constantly. Design Patterns are nothing more than a common language used to talk about things. A good programmer would be awa... 
Posted January 2, 2011 10:43:52 PM
Question about singleton Quote:Original post by CadetUmfer Singletons are an anti-pattern put in by the Gang of Four to screw with intermediate C++ programmers, like production queues in Starcraft. I'm not sure I understand that analogy. Perhaps some further elucidation... 
Posted December 21, 2010 2:25:36 AM
Dear America Quote:Original post by Nytegard First, as to the Craigslist apartment listing you posted with under $1000, they're about 20 miles away or more. During rush hour, you're looking at over an hour commute. I don't see how that's a problem. I live ac... 
Posted December 18, 2010 8:34:40 PM
Which low-cost prog.lang. to use to create complex 2d manager games? (amateur) The VB.Net Express Edition sounds like it would be a good fit for you if you're already familiar with VB 6.0. The language is a little different, but the syntax is quite similar so you shouldn't have too much trouble picking it up. 
Posted December 16, 2010 2:01:13 PM
EVE Online Quote:Original post by RivieraKid Combat isnt twitch based. That's a bad thing?  
Posted December 13, 2010 12:31:28 PM
Falcon 9 Falcon 9 flight 2/COTS 1 launched this morning. I was asleep during the launch, unfortunately, but I've been watching the replays and following along with the mission. Dragon splashdown should take place sometime within the next couple of hours. ... 
Posted December 8, 2010 12:42:20 PM
How do you learn a new language or API? By using it. 
Posted December 3, 2010 5:15:55 PM
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