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Output stream issue
I have a file which has this content;
I want to output this letters( z,y,t) to beginning of the file without overwriting, thus it should be like that
i m using c++, i have tried many bit... |
Posted March 28, 2008 9:18:02 AM
Deleting any Node from a linked list
I should write a fuction that can delete a specific node. Node has a integer key value to be spotted. We dont know this node is the first, last or in the middle.
First and middle cases are easy but i cant figure anything to delete the last no... |
Posted March 7, 2008 5:13:10 AM
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Output stream issue
what i want is impossible to do directly :(
"copy new data to a file and appand old file on to new file" is only good for small files.
seems like i need to change my algorithm.
Thanks again |
Posted March 28, 2008 10:50:45 AM
Deleting any Node from a linked list
Quote:Original post by CmpDev
Quote:Original post by mikbal
Quote:Original post by Marmin
Hi, deleting a last node is easy, just test if the pointer to the next is Nil , and then delete the one you're testing.
i can delete the last, but th... |
Posted March 7, 2008 5:32:28 AM
Deleting any Node from a linked list
Quote:Original post by Marmin
Hi, deleting a last node is easy, just test if the pointer to the next is Nil , and then delete the one you're testing.
i can delete the last, but the node pointing to last should be the last node after deleting... |
Posted March 7, 2008 5:25:53 AM
[Win32 API] How to change window icon?
in window registration phase (WinMain function), this line does it
wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION) ;
Posted March 6, 2008 3:07:32 AM
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