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Nickname Star_AD 
State/Province, Country Cataluna   Spain
GD Gathering City Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain
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Member Since 2/7/2008 9:02:04 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Non-Photorealistic Real-Time Rendering Hi: I would like to present my university final project. It's a application for visualize meshes in obj format with non-photorealistic rendering techniques. The techniques used are: - Toon Shading - Textured Toon Shading - Colored Silhoue... 
Posted May 1, 2009 9:51:52 AM
Batch vs Instancing Hi: I am beginning to design the graphic engine of a game i want to do in my spare time. The game engine i'm planing to do will have these features : - Deferred render - HDRI - Normal and Parallax mapping - Shadow map There are several f... 
Posted October 15, 2008 5:32:43 AM
Optimizing feedback buffer output Hi: I try to optimizing the geometry of the feedback buffer output (in OpenGL) for make a vectorial render (PDF,PS, AI, etc.). I try with my algorithm but is very slow. Anyone know an algorithm for this purpose? Thx PD: Sry for my english. 
Posted May 6, 2008 12:36:57 PM
Bump Mapping / Planar Reflections / Blur Effect Hi all!! these are images from my last thecdemo. In this demo, i implement Object Bump Mapping, Planar Reflections and a little blur effect. Enjoy it. If u want see more works made by me visit this site ( Spanish Site ) : 
Posted March 7, 2008 11:55:28 AM
Normalization CubeMap vs normalize() Hi all! A few days ago I made a demo of dot3bump. When i made the pixel shader, i used the normalize function instead of normalization cubemap. In some forums i had read that in new graphics cards there aren't differences in performance. Is this t... 
Posted February 18, 2008 5:21:53 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
QT and vs2005 In Qt 3 the installation program need a enviroment variable with the name INCLUDE. You need to install the PSDK and add the path in this variable. Good luck. 
Posted November 11, 2008 4:26:18 AM
Bump Mapping / Planar Reflections / Blur Effect Thanks for comment! For blur effect I render the original image to a texture (1024x768), and then i blur the texture (in two pass) to a new low-resolution texture (640x480) and finally blend the original image with the blur image (original* 0,6 + bl... 
Posted March 7, 2008 1:26:37 PM
Normalization CubeMap vs normalize() Thx for reply! Is just what I was looking for. 
Posted February 18, 2008 6:47:40 AM
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