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Member Since 10/21/2006 6:43:49 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
freedoku About a month ago, I was looking for some sudoku at WiiWare and there wasn't any (there is one now, but it isn't worth paying it in my opinion). Then I checked web pages with sudoku, but none fulfilled my expectations. This is how idea of freedo... 
Posted January 1, 2009 5:08:30 PM
Hexbee Short game description: Find objects of the same type and match them in lines. 80 different levels in 8 worlds. Play by classic mechanic and try totally new approach in Tubus mode - drag and drop objects in flying bubbles. The game was in developm... 
Posted June 26, 2008 10:30:53 AM
Separating Axis Theorem for moving circles Hi, I'm developing small physics engine based on . Now I have completed part 3 from this tutorial for polygon-polygon and polygon-circle based on SAT, but when I tried the same method... 
Posted October 21, 2006 7:23:24 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
XNA DXT texture from byte[] As I can see, FromFile method takes Stream as parameter. Use MemoryStream class ;) 
Posted May 17, 2009 4:34:58 PM
Absolute FASTEST way to draw large amounts of text? (from texture) Quote:Original post by owl I'm going to benefit myself from this and ask you (if you are in the mood of explaining), what does proper batching means in relation to vertex arrays? I'm just wanting to learn here. In this case, Kuraitou should pack... 
Posted April 24, 2009 1:04:25 AM
freedoku After few months I made few changes: - after making 3 mistakes you can continue playing (but timer turns red and there is no congratulations window) - it's possible to click on number counters to highlight number on board If you found... 
Posted March 18, 2009 7:26:58 PM
Best Image File Format For Games You can always use more than one format. Lossy compression for image data and separate alpha mask (if you need alpha, black and white file, lossy or lossless compression -- your choice) is often the best choice. 
Posted January 6, 2009 3:48:19 AM
freedoku Ezbez, I will consider adding this option. I posted video on youtube. 
Posted January 3, 2009 11:39:00 AM
Hexbee pixelperfect, you are guessing wrong - it works on P3 900, 256 MB Ram and DirectX 7 compatible graphics card without any problems (propably it's working on even slower machines) Dim_Yimma_H, thanks for your response - we were working har... 
Posted June 30, 2008 7:02:06 AM
Separating Axis Theorem for moving circles Quote:Original post by oliii EDIT : God, I gotta fix that zip... There are much better algos for CD between polygons. Could you point me to some of it? Quote:Original post by shurcool See if this is helpful. 
Posted October 23, 2006 6:00:50 AM
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