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Get to know Rodrigo Robles...  
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Nickname Rodrigo Robles 
State/Province, Country Curitiba
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Member Since 4/14/2007 10:39:06 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mundo 3D MMORPG 0.13 Released Here are the change-log of this release: 0.13.1 - 28/05/09 * Fixed to not enter chat while fighting. * Exception handling in SendMsg function. 0.13 - 27/05/09 * New char model. * Interaction with ground. * Chat. * Exception handling f... 
Posted May 29, 2009 1:08:45 PM
Mundo 0.12.2 Released Mundo is a work-in-progress opensource 3DMMORPG We have a video for this release: The project is hosted at: The test server is up! The src folder has... 
Posted April 25, 2009 12:57:12 PM
MMORPG Mundo 0.3 I's from Mundo, a work-in-progress MMORPG. It's just a beginning, but we can play a little demo and see some nice graphics: It's opensource, so all people is invited to join the project. 
Posted April 16, 2007 1:54:30 PM
Mundo 0.7 Released! Mundo is a work-in-progress opensource multiplatform 3DMMORPG. Here are the change-log of this release: * Added anisotropic filtering. * Improved lighting. * Support for many image formats by the Imaging Library. * Added animation for others p... 
Posted August 20, 2007 12:15:34 AM
Mundo 0.6 Released! Mundo is a work-in-progress opensource 3DMMORPG written in Freepascal using GPLDevKit Engine. The major news in this release is the total Linux compatibility and the protocol change to TCP. Here are the change-log of this release: * Completed Li... 
Posted July 17, 2007 11:23:10 AM
Mundo 0.5 Released! Mundo is a work-in-progress opensource 3DMMORPG written in Freepascal using GPLDevKit Engine. Here are the change-log of this release: * Added more articulations to skeleton animation. * Redesigned the humanoid head. * Humanoid texturization. *... 
Posted June 12, 2007 9:54:06 AM
Mundo 0.3 Released This is a release of a work-in-progress 3D MMORPG: Maybe you need this: It's just a start, but we can see some nice 3D graphics and walk a li... 
Posted April 14, 2007 10:58:51 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Mundo 3D MMORPG 0.13 Released Quote:Original post by rethan I can't seem to log on, I'm getting: camera: mode set to 3 camera: mode set to 1 Please type the name of your Character: Blah Logging... Failure on connect server. Try again, the server was down. I'... 
Posted June 1, 2009 9:17:03 PM
Mundo 0.12.2 Released Quote:Original post by Wild Bill Kelso This scene is looking great, but it could have used a little more cowbell. I'm making great plans for that cow :) 
Posted April 29, 2009 8:51:45 PM
Mundo 0.7 Released! Sorry, the server go down for a while :( Now the server is up, I will try to keep it. Remember also if you are behind a firewall, maybe you will be blocked. The game uses port TCP 8090. If you change the connect in the source to localhost at Linux... 
Posted August 21, 2007 6:23:38 AM
Mundo 0.6 Released! Quote:Original post by Yokai Great to see linux capability! My only gripe is the 6fps that it shows at the upper left. ; ; Though, taking into account that its WIP, I really see no problem with it for now. Keep up the good work, hope to see... 
Posted July 22, 2007 10:43:51 PM
Mundo 0.6 Released! Quote:Original post by zeeli Hi Rodrigo! Nice to see that this project is developing. Especially the linux port! [smile] Great progress since version 0.5, in such small time. Keep up the great work! Also here's a clicky click to the Mun... 
Posted July 18, 2007 10:31:37 PM
Mundo 0.5 Released! Quote:Original post by LordAsm hey Rodrigo! Nice work, keep it going! (And find some 3D modelers ASAP lol!) We still need to drink some beers :) See ya! Beer is priority in the task list! Please send me your phone number by mail. 
Posted June 15, 2007 9:09:24 PM
Mundo 0.5 Released! Quote:Original post by royteusink hmmm... Ever heared of texture filtering? like MagFilter, MinFilter, MipFilter... It makes your game/engine more intressting. Keep up the good work, cheers I'll try to... 
Posted June 13, 2007 8:48:19 PM
Mundo 0.5 Released! Quote:Original post by Trillian Development of this game is going much faster than I had expected. Looks like I was underestimating you! Good luck with this project! Thank you, we are trying to release monthly. 
Posted June 12, 2007 11:08:12 PM
Mundo 0.5 Released! Quote:Original post by zeeli Very nice! Intresting to see how this develops. Keep up the good work! Thanks. Edit by Steve: Removed zeeli's real name from quote by his request. [Edited by - Evil Steve on October 8, 2009 5:01:54 AM] 
Posted June 12, 2007 11:01:40 PM
Mundo 0.5 Released! Quote:Original post by boldyman (I see that you are a programmer and not a artist) Huahuahua! Really!!! 
Posted June 12, 2007 10:51:26 PM
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