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Nickname mrTony 
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GD Gathering City Beijing, Beijing, China
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Member Since 12/8/2006 8:31:16 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Texture streaming technology on mobile phone This is a map software for mobile phone platform.At the begining we planed to make a brand new map software,but finally we had to abandon it for some reason. We use the the texture streaming technology to display the map,basically the same idea be... 
Posted August 4, 2008 12:12:26 AM
3D engine on mobile phone platform. It's a software rendering 3d engine. This is a demonstration of a 3D engine which I designed for the mobile platform.And it's a 3d engine designed when I worked for a company which located in beijing,china. Most of the effects were... 
Posted March 29, 2007 5:43:10 AM
Strange opengl matrix state? I wrote some codes like this: #pragma pack(1) struct Point { float x,y,z; }; static Point vertex[MAX_VERTEX]; void Transform(float*m,float p[3]) { float temp[3]; temp[0] = m[0] * p[0] + m[4]*p[1] + m[8]*p[2] + m[... 
Posted December 8, 2006 8:59:11 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Texture streaming technology on mobile phone yes,the texture is dynamic loading and decompressing at realtime.I choose the DXT scheme to reduce the size of the texture. 
Posted August 14, 2008 3:37:36 AM
4k SS Ambient Occlusion and Julia It looks great! 
Posted November 5, 2007 6:06:54 AM
3D engine on mobile phone platform. Actually it is just a graphics rendering engine,which was designed for make some interactive 3D application for user to download to their mobile phone. I think it will released in may 2007.As the next step,I will implement some faked sub-surface... 
Posted March 30, 2007 8:53:00 PM
Shadow volume and directional light Roughly,You only need the light position to do two things: 1. Determine whether the surface is face to the light or not,which is used when calculating the silhouette of the mesh. 2. Extrude the silhouette to get a volume. When it is a di... 
Posted December 9, 2006 7:09:41 AM
Strange opengl matrix state? I check the code again,and that's the point.Thanks. Sorry for that stupid mistakes. Anyway,I need do some special effect in view space ,such as daw the depth in a colorbuffer,then you can do something. 
Posted December 8, 2006 10:53:07 PM
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