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Member Since 9/23/2005 4:50:18 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mountain Scene Picture of a mountain I made with rendering software. Enjoy! 
Posted September 25, 2005 11:36:28 AM
Thick Atmosphere Me and a group of friends got together and made a contest to see who could make the best RTS in one hour. We knew that a Real-Time Strategy Game generally took a long time to make, so this is what made the contest more challenging. The prize? Br... 
Posted September 25, 2005 11:36:14 AM
Elevators in Reversed Gravitation How do you make an elevator on a planet with reversed gravitation? Let me explain. Let's say that gravity was reversed, and a person could stand upside-down on the ceiling. Then there was an elevator that went DOWN. Would the person be u... 
Posted November 5, 2005 8:59:27 AM
My humor piece I suppose that it's okay to post a sample of a humor book here, since it falls under the category of fiction (I think). Anyway, here's a sample that is from the first part of a humor book I am working on. I want to see how funny it is, so could... 
Posted October 27, 2005 9:54:46 AM
Use of colors in games I have a question about brain's response to colors/use of colors in games. Read the article here if you are not familiar with this subject. Okay, here's my question: Is a proper understanding of the brain's response to colors very beneficiary in gam... 
Posted November 16, 2005 5:23:39 AM
What would make a cool Easter Egg? Easter eggs -- they're those messages and secrets hidden in the game by a programmer with the hopes that somebody will find them. What would make a cool easter egg for a game? Something funny or shocking would be cool. I got one. "Cats don... 
Posted October 14, 2005 7:53:42 AM
So much to do, so little time I must be the master at stalling -- I have to put everything off until the last second and then frantically work. I have to reply e-mail to three of my friends. I haven't sent an e-mail to my friend that is a girl in three days (I'm not going to say... 
Posted October 14, 2005 7:23:06 AM
What is Nintendo thinking? Check out the article on Revolution hardware at One of Iwata's comments on specs in the article: "If you are just going to compare the spec sheets and spec numbers, Revolution may not ha... 
Posted October 11, 2005 2:53:53 AM
Game Development book publishing Has anyone here had a game development book published before? I remember hearing a claim from an editor at The Premier Press that several of their authors were also members of GDNet (I forgot the exact amount, but I think it was a significant number... 
Posted October 9, 2005 4:07:20 PM
Morphing two different backgrounds I'm working on a sort of cinematic for a complex 2D game (a sci-fi action/shooter). I want the background to realistically morph into another background. I was planning a morphing of 32 images in 5 seconds (one new image appearing in the backgro... 
Posted October 9, 2005 12:49:48 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Thick Atmosphere I used Game Maker, using GML instead of drag-and-drop for programming. For the textures, I used Texture Maker. I drew the sprites myself but used some of the image editing tools in Texture Maker to make the warthog look realistic. Texture Maker was m... 
Posted January 5, 2006 10:44:32 AM
Wich one OpenGL or DirectX Direct3D vs. OpenGL 
Posted November 19, 2005 1:50:48 AM
My humor piece Quote:Original post by Lava5 About the first story, I have a question, was your story supposed to be more like a joke, or a serious story with humor thrown in there?. Both the first and second stories were meant to be serious stories with humor t... 
Posted November 17, 2005 4:15:17 AM
Use of colors in games Wow... a lot of different views on this subject [smile]. I too agree that a person's basis of colors is conceived from their upbringing rather than something that is hard-wired into their brain. For the record, I was not signifying that this... 
Posted November 17, 2005 4:02:05 AM
Victory by proxy - How to make satisfying? (RPG-like) Well I would think that the player should have had at least some control over an event (such as the destruction of a bridge) in order to feel victorious. Maybe if the player had control over each group of NPCs as a whole, and then was able to control... 
Posted November 13, 2005 7:54:54 PM
Elevators in Reversed Gravitation My idea is to have an elevator that works similar to a hovercraft. It would have an engine that propels air in the opposite direction that it is moving in order to push it up/down. It would have enough speed to break the force of gravity when going i... 
Posted November 9, 2005 8:00:23 AM
Super Mario RPG games? Making Super Mario RPG would be difficult if someone doesn't have much prior experience making games, especially with a rather limited program such as Game Maker (IMO). Even Game Maker games use some programming, if only in the form of drag-and-... 
Posted November 6, 2005 6:00:01 PM
Best food you've ever tasted Homemade spicy chicken pizza with ranch dressing instead of tomato sauce. 
Posted October 29, 2005 7:30:25 PM
Questions For Indy Developers My advice is slightly different on how to grow an indie developer, so feel free to disagree with it. I haven't actually sold a game yet, but I'm taking my sweet time working on a commercial game. I'm also working on a website, a novel,... 
Posted October 28, 2005 2:07:25 PM
My humor piece Thanks for the advice. Could you look over this new sample and tell me if it's any better than the last one? It happened one day... Who am I? I am the omniscient viewer. Follow me and on a journey of darkness we shall go, pas... 
Posted October 28, 2005 6:11:08 AM
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