Some recent topics started on our forums |
Question about dynamic libraries.
Well for the sake of understanding I'll call them DLL's(and generally talk on the windows platform) here but this should be applied on mac and linux as well.
Let's say I have 3 projects.
One of them is an exe and the other two are dll's.... |
Posted September 23, 2010 11:31:49 AM
My first game - Mahjongg
Hey guys. I just finished my first personal game. (out of the many I'm working on).
It's not a big one but I tried my best to make it work as nice as possible. There are currently no known bugs.
More info:
-5 Tile layouts with increasing... |
Posted June 24, 2010 5:49:19 AM
Game Engine Discussion
Hey guys.
I've been working on a game engine for almost 2 years now and since in half an year or so I want to publish it I'd like you to take a minute and talk a bit about what you like and what you don't. (Preferrably from the programming poin... |
Posted April 25, 2010 8:32:13 AM
Rotated and scaled pixel perfect collision
Hey guys.
I'm trying to add 2D graphics to my engine and I've reached the part with checking if 2 images collide. I need this to be pixel perfect. I know how I'd normally do it (simple bitmask) but what if I want a image to be rotated about a pivot... |
Posted February 13, 2010 5:44:06 AM
HammerEngine development questions.
Hey guys.
Even though I'm not very new to the comunity I still haven't had the chance to talk and share info with you guys. I'd like to change that since we're all here to make games and learn from one another.
I made this topic because I've s... |
Posted December 25, 2009 6:06:57 AM
2D Isometric
For a couple of years now I made isometric art more or less depending n my free time. I noticed that people use a lot of graphics that are not professionaly made.
I don't say I'm an artist (since I'm a programmer) but at least my graphics are m... |
Posted November 23, 2009 1:11:13 PM
HWND Input
Hey guys.
I'm trying to make a Input Add-on for my engine.
Basically the 3D engine works by getting a HWND and initializing everything on it. That way I can create it on windows, picture boxes and everything.
I use C++ for the "core" dev... |
Posted October 21, 2009 2:49:53 AM
SpotLight direction in viewspace
I'm using opengl to program a game engine and I'm having some slight problems.
First of all it works with deferred lighting so all lighting calculations are done in the shaders with no use of the actual lights in opengl.
I use this code to te... |
Posted September 17, 2009 10:05:11 AM
Light position in shader
Hey guys. I have a big problem that I can't figure out. I've been trying this for some weeks now.
So first I have a vector3 that has the light position in worldspace. ( used the test values 64,64,64).
Now using a deferred shader I have my modelvi... |
Posted June 14, 2009 5:32:18 AM
Calculate binormals and tangents for mesh?
Could anyone tell me if this functions seems right?
For use in GLSL should I calculate per vertex or are they all the same?
void CSurface::UpdateBTN()
this->face_binormal = new float[tris_count*3*3];
this->face_normal = new float... |
Posted May 22, 2009 8:42:29 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums |
C++ OpenGL Code Review
I don't think you need OpenGL 3.1 for glsl 1.40
As for the shader... There are ways to make it faster. One of the best I've seen requires 64 lookups and I'd say it looks a bit better. |
Posted September 25, 2010 2:56:28 PM
My first game - Mahjongg
Yes but steam hasn't replied to my mail yet. I'm not even sure I'm emailing the right place. |
Posted June 26, 2010 4:47:05 AM
My first game - Mahjongg
Hm.. yes you are right. However I really don't like that version... the graphics are in my opinion plain ugly(but interestingly also polished).
Edit: I changed the price to... what you want. You are free to type in the price that you consider the ga... |
Posted June 25, 2010 10:45:20 AM
My first game - Mahjongg
First of all.. Thank you guys.
Second... just Windows 7 ultimate comes with Mahjongg. I have just Win7 professional and it doesn't have any games.
Anyway, yes the graphics are clean and that was one of the key aspects when making the game. I j... |
Posted June 25, 2010 9:07:49 AM
Game Engine Discussion
You made me curious... how would that actually work? I can't quite picture the code. |
Posted April 26, 2010 11:51:42 AM
Game Engine Discussion
I use radians internally but I was just thinking of the end user.
I think I'll go with radians and add some functions like Rad2Deg and Deg2Rad. Should be easy to understand. |
Posted April 26, 2010 10:39:10 AM
Game Engine Discussion
None that actually got published. But that's not my fault since projects were canceled about 75% of the development time. I was thinking of completing them myself and finding publishers but I'm not legaly allowed to do that.
Posted April 26, 2010 9:21:14 AM
Game Engine Discussion
So basically you say that when I have a function like SetRotation(float r) it should take a radian?
But I'd still like some more opinions on this :) |
Posted April 26, 2010 9:10:58 AM
Game Engine Discussion
It's generally not the same thing as immediate mode GUI. Basically you have images here and only images. And by transformation I only mean scale and rotation leaving the position outside of this business.
Quote:And how does your "immediate... |
Posted April 26, 2010 9:07:13 AM
Game Engine Discussion
Basically I just call SetRotation or SetScale or SetColor etc.. before drawing a image if it's needed. If 10 images are using the same transformations then why calculate it again. Just use SetRotation and SetScale once then use that transformati... |
Posted April 26, 2010 7:11:20 AM
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