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Get to know Dark_Guy...  
Full Name Robert Osvath - Boros
Nickname Dark_Guy 
State/Province, Country Cluj   Romania
GD Gathering City Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
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Member Since 12/9/2001 1:40:12 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Procedural planet texture part 2 Last week I have implemented some cool new effects to the engine. Basically it's some post processing such as glow and motion blur. But in the background there is a nice threaded texture generator, that generates planet textures while the player move... 
Posted April 23, 2007 11:54:14 PM
Procedural planet textures I hope you like them, they are still early stage. But there should be a significant increase before summer 2007. :) They are all generated procedurally on different resolutions. Textures are generated at runtime, resolutions are based on... 
Posted December 1, 2006 11:32:11 AM
Procedural textures / displacements Hi all. This is my first adventure into the world of procedural modeling and texturing. It's yet another wannabe synthetic planetery engine. Sofar i am only experimenting with perlin noise, but hope to get some real results it in the near future... 
Posted January 24, 2006 8:19:07 AM
Procedural approach I would be interrested in ideas on procedural modelling, and everything related to the procedural topic that is done in real time. I love the idea of a MMOG that sends minimal data through the network, and still get a huge procedural but very r... 
Posted November 14, 2005 6:46:29 AM
Why move to DirectX9 ? What are the features Dx9 has extra compared to Dx8? I am just curious why everyone is moving to DirectX9 and why is it called "managed directx" ? I have downloaded the Dx9SDK, but only looked at the samples sofar, which seemed the same they hav... 
Posted September 21, 2005 5:15:30 AM
GeForceFX stripped to the bone Hi Does anyone know where I could find some real documentation about the GeForceFX chip ? I am especially interrested in the register description, and everything related to the GPU as low level as possible. I am looking for something stripped t... 
Posted November 23, 2004 3:38:02 AM
Bezier curves I have a task to connect two bezier curves. What are bezier curves? Where can I find theory on bezier curves, and how do I connect them ? Also, could someone point me to some examples (preferrably with source code) ?  
Posted June 6, 2004 3:42:29 PM
Function separator line in a RichTextBox I am trying to implement a small procedure, that would add a horizontal line in a rich textbox. The line should be similar to the one in VB6. It should not be copy-able, it should simply just have to be a visible line. 
Posted April 20, 2004 12:14:33 PM
Visual Basic or C++ ? I’ve been coding games for quite a time using Visual Basic. But going commercial, at some firms would require a good understanding of developing games in C++. I would like to ask you guys to post comments, pro or against the concept of making... 
Posted December 13, 2003 6:03:00 AM
Take a look at this artifact ? I know it’s probably my fault, so i need some help on this one: Screenshots  
Posted December 9, 2003 4:28:30 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Procedural planet texture part 2 Ok. Here is the first demo. It is not the official one, but a pre-pre demo release . It does not yet feature all the things i have work in progress, but it shows the basic functions. Read the readme file first!! DOWNLOAD THE DEMO This... 
Posted May 11, 2007 1:27:36 PM
Procedural planet texture part 2 Careful about my "atmosphere" implementation: it's a very cheap technique, that only works for planets viewed from outer-space! I am using a blank untextured sphere (white color) that is slightly bigger then the planet I am rendering. Next I... 
Posted May 11, 2007 12:10:16 PM
Procedural planet texture part 2 - I am using a modified version of libNoise - The textures are based mainly on distance, and there are 10 levels of generation that varry both on resolution and octave count. - There is also a basic caching function, that stores textures... 
Posted May 6, 2007 6:22:13 AM
Procedural planet texture part 2 The stars in the background: - I Disable the Z-buffer - I use a big sphere around the player, that is textured with a procedural texture, using very low shades of blue colors for the gradient. - Next I render a set of random points for the static... 
Posted April 24, 2007 10:39:33 AM
Procedural planet textures Sure. I am using the code to generate Perline noise mostly from the explanations found at You have an opensource noise library there. From there you have to read a bit about perlin noise and general procedural techniques... 
Posted December 4, 2006 6:42:01 AM
Procedural planet textures 1. The maximum level is based on distance: "The closer you get the bigger the texture resolution and the more octaves to generate it" 2. Not yet. I am still experimenting with the building of the planet texture. But its a good idea, thanks. I... 
Posted December 2, 2006 10:08:12 AM
Procedural textures / displacements The clouds, just like the stars where an experiment. I use a color-gradient, to map heights to colors. I have several gradients to compose the land and. The experiment was to change the land gradient to a gradient that features a white transition and... 
Posted January 27, 2006 5:05:50 PM
Procedural textures / displacements Btw: I also have an idea for a possible game using a cartoonish-procedural unvierse, and thats why i did the exagerated displacements. Spoore looks funn :D And am looking forward to read more about the simplex noise functions. I read perlins docs... 
Posted January 27, 2006 3:54:31 PM
Procedural textures / displacements Thanks for the replys. The project / experiment is still in it's eraly infancy stage, where i am trying to get a feel of how to control the noise functions. Im trying to create a way to dynamically connect several noise modules. I actualy got the... 
Posted January 27, 2006 3:51:58 PM
Procedural approach Hehe, thanks, i already read those topics, including Ysaneya's work, which i follow with great interrest. To be honest with you, it was the ImageOfTheDay section featuring Ysaneya's work that ignited my quest for procedural approaches, and im excited... 
Posted November 14, 2005 10:35:26 AM
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