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Member Since 1/13/2006 7:05:44 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
HASTE screenshots Ok, these are some screenshots of one of our HASTE maps. Basically we've been working on this game for the past 3 months, and tough the renderer wasn't written from scratch when we started this project (our engine coder had been wor... 
Posted June 16, 2006 1:52:50 PM
HASTE speed running game project seeking help (update images) Team name: DivZero Project name: HASTE Brief description: Basically, the aim of this project is to resurrect the legendary speed-running tournaments (like the cult Quake done Quick movie) using modern graphics technology and somewhat improv... 
Posted May 16, 2006 8:04:14 AM
Ladder system Ok, I want to implement some sort of a ladder system (a client sends some information to the server, which may be sorted & viewed online then, f.e. points, frags, times, whatever) without needing to have root access, or the ability to install &... 
Posted May 27, 2006 9:26:19 AM
Correct local cubemap reflections 
Posted February 17, 2006 6:30:54 PM
3d/physics coder sought Team name: None at the time. Project name: None at the time. Brief description: FPS - no design document yet. I'm open for ideas. Target aim: Commercial. Compensation: None, for now. Technology: Win32/linux, OpenGL, pixel shader... 
Posted February 17, 2006 5:20:18 PM
Portal based version of Q3Radiant I'm working on a portal based engine right now, and since I don't know of any portal based map editors with an open file format, I took the time and modified the source code of the original Q3Radiant. You can find it at: 
Posted January 13, 2006 7:12:25 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
New RTS in need for modeler lol guys, best "Help Wanted" ever :) 
Posted July 2, 2006 8:18:58 AM
OverDose needs programmers and artists Quote:Original post by Samsonite While we wait for the screens(would love to see them [smile]) I have to tell you that the guy who invented .BSP now works for Valve. Atleast according to Valves company profile. lol what, Carmack left id and went... 
Posted July 2, 2006 6:24:27 AM
Need Staff for new MMORPG **Please Read** No, I'm in no way offended. I just sayed the OP sounded like someone with the "characterisics" I described, having not the slightest idea about this war except that it's about crushing the enemies of the US' (enemies cause they don't hunt Osama down,... 
Posted July 1, 2006 1:31:06 PM
Need Staff for new MMORPG **Please Read** Yeah no offence but you kind of sound like a propaganda-brain-washed republican's kid. Ok, you're 14 etc. etc. but don't belive everything the media and your so loved president tells you. I'm not an afghan and I'm neutral on this topic, but I'm... 
Posted July 1, 2006 11:12:51 AM
OverDose needs programmers and artists Quote:Original post by Professor420 Project looks quite good. Like mentioned, don't forget that Source used some copy and paste quake code. Source is based on the HL1 engine, which in turn is a modified Q1 engine. If you look at the HL2 map... 
Posted July 1, 2006 5:04:44 AM
OverDose needs programmers and artists Big thumbs up for those guys! Altought I can't help (too buys with my own project), be sure to check em out. And please, don't let the phrase "heavily modified quake 2 engine" scare you away. It looks really good (stencil shadows, normal mapping etc)... 
Posted June 30, 2006 4:17:20 PM
HASTE screenshots Quote:Original post by Hanatarou I guess it depends on what other objects/creatures/whatever you have in the game, what colors they have, and if they have any special lighting with their appearance. But I for one love the "dark" atmospher... 
Posted June 27, 2006 7:04:51 AM
Working for Free (round 2) Quote:Original post by nsmadsen You're wrong, I'm not seeking special treatment. I've voiced this over and over again on this post- you don't have to use my music. If you don't want to pay for my music, fine!! No problem! Go with someone that w... 
Posted June 25, 2006 1:25:51 PM
Working for Free (round 2) Quote:Original post by nsmadsen Stance one- music and artwork isn't something we're willing to pay for. Its something we're going to go out and get for free. Stance two- music and artwork is something that should be compensated because of t... 
Posted June 25, 2006 12:34:09 PM
Working for Free (round 2) Obviously many of those projects are done by hobbyists. That means they don't receive any money for their work - cause they're doing it just for fun. A project "leader" making a hobby game won't get paid by anyone - so they can't afford paying you as... 
Posted June 24, 2006 5:12:15 PM
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