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Get to know spootnick...  
Full Name Michał Listwan
Nickname spootnick 
State/Province, Country Malopolskie   Poland
GD Gathering City Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland
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Member Since 7/28/2006 4:03:49 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
A kind of engine The images come from a master thesis program I have written with dragu645 in 2006. You can also watch a short video here. It is a kind of rendering engine written in C++, DirectX (*.fx for shaders) and LUA for scripting. On the graphics side it us... 
Posted June 25, 2007 1:26:04 PM
Flow control performance on radeon x1k Hello, I wanted to test on my x1600 card if pixel shader flow control works as described in x1k documentation. My program renders full screen quad using the following technique: texture tex; sampler2D sampl = sampler_state { Texture... 
Posted July 29, 2006 2:37:58 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
A kind of engine Thanks! It runs at about 14fps on X1600Pro and 37fps on 7900GT. The main image has no HDR. The night and flare images use it. We experienced some problems with HDR. We played with luminance formulas and final scaling, but I'm not sure... 
Posted June 26, 2007 1:11:55 PM
FreeFormEngine Great job! After seeing your demo I've started hesitating whether to post my images:) Could I also apply for the thesis?  
Posted June 18, 2007 1:10:30 PM
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