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Member Since 1/20/2006 2:47:08 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
OpenAL question of priority of source, and music If I have more sound sources than there are channels, does OpenAL simply drop the most silent sounds? Is there a way to bypass their priority system to make sure the music source is never dropped, no matter how many and loud effect sources there are... 
Posted June 15, 2010 12:16:22 PM
Open source speedtree like API? Is there any open source alternative to speedtree available? 
Posted April 17, 2010 9:13:35 AM
Find closest triangle to a position Which space partioning structure is most suitable for a "find closest triangle" query? The world is static and 2D. Should I go for bounding volume hierarchies, kdtrees or quadtrees? How would they compare in terms of lookup speed, space consumption a... 
Posted March 19, 2010 3:48:03 PM
Generate navmesh for heightmapped terrain Seeing as heightmaps are a special case of a general polygon soup level, are there any faster and/or simpler navmesh generation algorithms for it? I know of the voxel based navmesh generation algorithm (how does it detect if a surface has a too st... 
Posted March 15, 2010 2:50:55 PM
Cross-platform deterministic randomization? I'd like to do some procedural generation based on a seed that can be sent across network and produces identical results on both sides. My question is: does rand() in C++ standard libraries really behave exactly the same cross-platform give... 
Posted March 14, 2010 6:05:02 AM
Texturing large terrain What's the state of the art technology for texturing a large landscape? For geometry LOD, I'm using a quadtree based algorithm to find patches (with skirts) to render and uses vertex texture fetch to obtain heights from a single mipmapped floating po... 
Posted March 10, 2010 11:13:50 AM
Triplanar texturing? Does anyone know a tutorial about triplanar texturing, or other methods for automatically generating good-looking texture coordinates for arbitrary geometry? 
Posted January 30, 2010 7:49:09 AM
Marching cubes source code? In an ideal world, there exists a C++ marching cube implementation that takes a functor with a: bool operator()(int x, int y, int z); //returns true if this voxel is filled ...and outputs a list of vertices with positions and normals, with well-doc... 
Posted January 30, 2010 7:48:07 AM
.pk3/.zip archives for game data? Is there any IO latency gain in using a single big .pk3/.zip archive to store game data in, rather than using loads of small files? Or why do many Id Software games use this kind of packing of data? 
Posted January 22, 2010 2:33:56 PM
Creating keyframed "mover" in physics engine What conceptual entities (or pratical examples from some physics engine like Bullet, Box2D, PhysX or other) should be used to create a keyframed moving object such as an elevator, rotating bridge etc. The problem is that the object isn't static (a... 
Posted January 17, 2010 3:11:07 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Company Name Mashed studios sounds good... I just wonder what you would suggest me to call my studio :) All Names Taken Productions Ltd :.( 
Posted May 8, 2010 6:52:24 AM
Ethics in game development Quote:Original post by smc If the project is an ethical research project as applied to game development then your questions are not appropriate. More then likely you will not get the answers you are looking for with regard to ethics. Your questions... 
Posted May 5, 2010 2:01:16 PM
Ethics in game development Quote:Original post by Hodgman I'd like to think it's a meaningless question as we decided a long time ago that genders are equal... There are cultural differences, and I would hardly even say the "Western world" is in internal agreement that gende... 
Posted May 4, 2010 3:28:31 PM
Ethics in game development Quote:Original post by FrozenSnake I want you all to respect that I am only looking for answers from people who have worked more than 1-2 years in the industry. That is, it requires that you have been working on this for you to respond. If... 
Posted May 4, 2010 3:17:19 PM
Open source speedtree like API? Yes 
Posted April 17, 2010 12:01:42 PM
Generate navmesh for heightmapped terrain Edit: ok it turns out they don't need to be Delaunay. The triangulation however needs to be such that its triangles do not contain points which do not lie on some edge between the walkable and unwalkable area of the map. Moreover, all endpoints... 
Posted March 17, 2010 2:46:30 PM
path-finding in buliding Would this special case handling be possible to auto-detect during navmesh generation, to produce some form of hierarchical graph even in a general scenario where e.g. floors may be at different height in different parts of the map (say, there are mu... 
Posted February 21, 2010 3:24:49 AM
How much faster are enums compared to strings? If you're using strings as enums then your biggest problem isn't the performance, but the fact that you've taken away the compiler's ability to detect bugs for you. 
Posted February 20, 2010 2:26:38 PM
Strict OO principles vs. speed Quote:Original post by BattleMetalChris I've been told that in games programming, a lot of OO principles such as encapsulation are mercilessly ignored in favour of having things run as fast as possible? Is there any truth to this and to what extent... 
Posted February 4, 2010 2:57:45 PM
Building paddocks I just realize an addition needed to the algorithm. For example if you have fences like this: ----------- | | | ----------- | | | ----------- Then the big cycle around all 4 paddocks will be reported as a paddock by the algori... 
Posted January 31, 2010 3:19:37 PM
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