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Full Name Stefan Reinalter
Nickname tivolo 
State/Province, Country Vienna
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Member Since 6/19/2004 7:07:28 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Insomnia Engine These are a few screenshots from a demo called "Insomnia" which a friend of mine and I created for the "Real-Time Rendering"-lab at the Vienna University of Technology. The demo was created using our own OpenGL-engine developed during the last 4 mont... 
Posted February 10, 2006 12:28:59 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Questions about static initialization Quote:Original post by Hodgman The order in which "A()" and "B()" are printed, and whether they are printed at all, is left up to the compiler/linker to decide I have to disagree here - the order across different translation units is undefined, b... 
Posted September 11, 2010 6:16:41 AM
Occlusion Queries and Conditional Rendering There's some algorithms using occlusion queries: - CHC: - CHC++ (follow-up paper): The CHC++ algori... 
Posted August 22, 2010 9:17:07 AM
2D on 3D. How do I stop blurring of the pixels? Frankly, I don't get it. Your left image looks sharp, your right image doesn't. Your texture is 64x64 pixels, right? Which one of the images is 64x64 pixels? I guess the one on the left, and it's the only one having a chance... 
Posted July 31, 2010 11:58:29 AM
2D on 3D. How do I stop blurring of the pixels? Depends on the rendering system you use. If it's Direct3D9, you need to either offset your geometry, or your texture coordinates if bilinear texture filtering is enabled (see here: 
Posted July 31, 2010 11:39:21 AM
C++ generics. What is the proper syntax? Quote:Original post by SiS-Shadowman Quote:Original post by ill PointerManager<TmappedManager>::template PointerInfo<TmappedManager> * pointerInfo; I've never seen the template keyword being used that way. Doesn't seem right to me, t... 
Posted June 28, 2010 4:24:57 AM
Member function pointers (inheritance) Maybe this thread is of any help: IMO, one should generally avoid the nastyness of pointer-to-member-function casts. It doesn't take much to enter the land of undefined behavio... 
Posted June 14, 2010 5:21:40 PM
Member function pointers (inheritance) Casting to void* is undefined behaviour in this case. Additionally, you can't really declare a pointer-to-member of the derived class in the base class, because you don't know what the derived class may be - if you only have one derived cla... 
Posted June 14, 2010 3:54:21 PM
Static initialization within a library Quote:Original post by Hodgman Seeing you're forced to deal with these work-arounds though, I just use a standards-compliant method from the beginning these days, like:*** Source Snippet Removed *** We are using the #pragma (and data-segment) opt... 
Posted June 9, 2010 8:56:11 AM
Static initialization within a library Quote:Original post by gameXcore Well this is bit of a headache, luckily I'm not too worried right now about cross compiler portability, so long as it compiles on MSVC I'm happy, so the pragma option should work. The only problem is, I'... 
Posted June 8, 2010 4:52:59 PM
Static initialization within a library This is a known problem when dealing with libraries which are linked into the executable. You need to make sure of two things: - Make sure that those statics end up in your compiled library (can be checked with e.g. dumpbin on Windows) - Make... 
Posted June 8, 2010 1:14:32 PM
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