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Full Name Eric Behme
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Member Since 10/25/2001 2:04:29 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Bouldermouse Hello Folks, this is our latest game Bouldermouse! Scaled down screenies It is a 2D Game with 3D GFX. Collect all diamonds. Pay attention to falling rocks and the monsters! Use dynamite to blow up disturbing walls... True 3... 
Posted September 19, 2007 7:14:27 AM
Pathfinding for Delphi in 3D Hi! I am working on a 3D game using Delphi. Right now I am searching for a Pathfinding. The samples I found have one big disadvantage for 3D, they have every single step as a waypoint so only use 45° steps. I don't wanna use 4... 
Posted October 2, 2006 3:26:56 AM
Commando Xenidis Hello, these are all screens of our current game Commando Xenidis, the big screen shows a surface mission with one player shooting a 'Spikedog' alien monster. It will be a Action-Shooter game for 1-4 Players (on one PC, using Keyboard... 
Posted November 9, 2005 11:47:17 PM
Commando Xenidis Release Hello, I just released our shareware game 'Commando Xenidis'. It is a 2D shooter with missions in Space and on Surface, a shop with many weapons, 3D sequences etc. Requires DirectX9.0c. Project homepage with screens and downlo... 
Posted February 21, 2006 3:16:44 AM
Creating images for Particles and Special GFX Hi! I need some images for my 2D Particleengine and my 2D shooter game for all kind of GFX. Blood images (small) Sparks Clouds Explosion smoke Clouds can be made using Perlin noise, but I cannot animate them this way. Blood sound easy... 
Posted November 22, 2005 5:54:34 AM
Please help me find a bug Hello, in my Game demo one of my Beta testers has a bug in a 3D sequence, the screens freezes, but in the background it continues. I cannot reproduze this error myself, everything fine here. I build in some error messages to find out wh... 
Posted October 30, 2005 3:14:33 AM
Loading DX Textures in an imagelist - which is the fastest? Hello! I am using the Omega headers (Delphi DirectX headers based on Clooties DX headers) and I am also a member there. This is a problem of Omega, but everybody with knowledge in DirectX could help, so DirectX Experts please read and tell... 
Posted September 26, 2005 6:22:15 AM
Spritedesigner by Magic Storm / Firlefanz with Source Delphi Hello, we have decided to release our SpriteDesigner Opensource. We used it for 4 years now and made most graphics in our games 'Xenidis' and 'TombClimber' with that tool. Now we are mostly working with 3D modelers and so I hope maybe anybody c... 
Posted August 24, 2005 4:18:24 AM
Commando Xenidis - screenies and movie Hello, we updated our website of Commando Xenidis.It is a 1-4 player space and on planet shooter. Please take a look, there are some screens and a preview movie. Website Please tell us if you'd like a game like this. I... 
Posted August 16, 2005 3:48:20 AM
Commando Xendis Hi! CX is a 1-4 player 2d space shooter with missions in space and on the planet and 3D sequences. We are using Omega headers with Clootie headers for DX9. The game is about 60% finished. There is still alot of work to do. Here some lat... 
Posted July 1, 2005 4:26:25 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Bouldermouse Yes, sure there are. Just right now I don't know of any ;) 
Posted September 19, 2007 9:04:39 AM
Pathfinding for Delphi in 3D Hello, Thanks for your ideas. I guess to remove nodes I don't need is the necessary way. I am using a 2 dim array. I will try to find a A* pathfinding sample for Delphi and enhance it. firle 
Posted October 3, 2006 12:48:26 AM
Commando Xenidis Hello, I think the graphics will now stay like they are, but thanks for the suggestion. How is the gameplay and the difficulty? Thanks, Firle 
Posted February 21, 2006 6:56:11 AM
Commando Xenidis Hello, at least we did it! Commando Xenidis is complete, and the Shareware version 1.0 is ready for download. The project page with screens (I have to make new ones, they are a bit old) and the download link as well Online HiscoreL... 
Posted February 21, 2006 3:14:01 AM
Commando Xenidis Hello Loungsteim, thanks for the reply. Commando Xenidis has 3 Planets playable in the Shareware Version and 25 Planets in the Full Version, each Planet features a unique Space Mission, unique surface Mission and a random Bonus Mission. Wann... 
Posted February 10, 2006 2:29:49 AM
STARQuest Prototype Hi! Looking very good. What does it use, DirectX or OpenGL? Will it be free for other developers? Firle 
Posted December 2, 2005 7:25:10 AM
Commando Xenidis Hi! It is a 1-4 player game on one PC with Keyboard and or Joysticks. It cannot be played over Internet, but has an online HighScoreList. Firle 
Posted November 21, 2005 3:55:54 AM
Commando Xenidis Hi Jimmy, adiing rain might be a good idea, thanks! I am still searching for more Particel FX and other FX to add, rain sounds good. You can play it alone or with up to 4 players coop. If you like that kind of games and want to play a beta, le... 
Posted November 13, 2005 3:06:51 AM
Got a game? Love to review it! Hello, the layout of the site is awesome I must say. Very nice! I am always interested in reviews, I am a hobby game developer with a small team (right now 3 people for my new peoject, made older projects with 2 people). Here is my games sit... 
Posted September 27, 2005 7:33:24 AM
Got a game? Love to review it! Hello, the layout of the site is awesome I must say. Very nice! I am always interested in reviews, I am a hobby game developer with a small team (right now 3 people for my new peoject, made older projects with 2 people). Here is my games sit... 
Posted September 27, 2005 7:30:34 AM
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