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Nickname Vexorian 
State/Province, Country La Paz   Bolivia
GD Gathering City Ciudad la paz, La Paz, Bolivia
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Member Since 10/7/2005 5:46:20 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
SDL - CPU usage I was testing my just converted SDL game, well after all the work the game works correctly, the problem is that if you switch to other app that app freezes/becomes horribly slow. I succesfully disabled the game loop for non active times, but the p... 
Posted November 25, 2005 7:53:59 AM
srand() and rand() portability Of course they are standards so they are available where sdtio is but I was thinking on adding replays to my game, the only problem is that some objects, specially the monsters' AI rely on random numbers. So the question is : wou... 
Posted April 15, 2006 8:15:45 AM
game Xye 0.6 feedback wanted It is version 0.6.2 of my WIP game Xye, it is a new edition of the classic Kye with more objects and level editing options. Can play .kye levels Plenty of new objects new XML based level format Uses SDL so it works on win32 and linux ... 
Posted April 4, 2006 7:16:51 PM
Xye 0.5 released Xye is just an attempt to remake the old classic called Kye. It is a 2D game, it can sometimes be a puzzle, sometimes a speed challenge and sometimes an arcade game, really depends on the level. You could compare it to Chips' challenge, DR... 
Posted March 22, 2006 10:15:10 PM
Preventing Graphics to update Is there a lock member or something for Graphics? I am using GDI+ to draw multiple layers in an editor. The problem is that the editor keeps blinking in the areas with multiple layers (only the top layers blink) I certainly need a method to lock... 
Posted March 8, 2006 8:09:41 AM
Forgive my ignorance but shouldn't it implemented a reference counter? I was trying C sharp and after falling in love with its features (like how easy using became) I am having some problems memory management aside. There is a garbage collector which means that it will wait till you are using a lot of memory... 
Posted March 6, 2006 7:18:56 AM
Ok, Type code out of range, is -84 Type code out of range, is -84 Well this is a homework and I am using and object streams, the writting of objects is done correctly, but somehow when attempting to read them it only reads... 
Posted December 6, 2005 8:30:08 AM
Labels Any way to have 2 labels really close ? I tried to use setBounds(new Rectangle(stuff) ) when adding the labels to a panel that doesn't have a LayoutManager but it seriously didn't work out. Is there any way to place a control on the actual co... 
Posted December 8, 2005 1:59:54 PM
GUI I'd want an article about making your own GUI on let's say SDL, I know there are pre made GUI libraries and all, but I would like to know how to make your own widgets and how does the whole GUI concept works. 
Posted December 5, 2005 10:48:53 AM
Isn't encapsullation in c++ just a theory? Ok, well the topic title, I would replace it to why is that to have real encapsullation you have to sacrifice performance? All right let's say I made an abstraction to the C dirent.h header for c++. It works like this: browser.h: class Fo... 
Posted December 4, 2005 6:58:43 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
"Vista cast a pall on PC gaming" I don't have vista so I have a question. What about zips that contain the executable and required dlls in the same folder thus not requiring any installation process, does that still work in vista? 
Posted January 12, 2007 11:22:33 AM
paxCompiler v1.2 wow, embedded pascal certainly sounds nice. 
Posted September 26, 2006 2:32:56 PM
Modular Programming: A Classless Approach Part I Since the non-class approach is already using an struct, why not just use an struct for the instances instead of all those problems. SDL works like that without using classes. 
Posted September 11, 2006 1:52:00 PM
.NET, is it better? Until MONO gets better (as in actually having all .NET features) .NET is not gonna be cross platform and because of that I would have to use java (not like I am gonna make any program that can't run on my beloved ubuntu). I think MONO's main... 
Posted June 1, 2006 10:24:57 PM
Will the PS3 Render the PC Useless? Rephrase the question to : "Would the PS3 get a keyboard, mouse, interchangeable parts and all the other 500 things that make a PC so necessary?" 
Posted June 1, 2006 5:32:29 PM
.NET, is it better? Benchmarks show that MC++ is much slower than anything else, It is not even recommended by MS unless you want to port some C++ code to .NET . C# is decently fast, but it is not faster than C++ , the difference is not noticeable as long as you hand... 
Posted June 1, 2006 1:06:16 PM
Microsoft Vista Capable Machines I am not planning to get windows vista any time soon. I predict that for a while XP will be better for games (like what happened with windows 98) I also found myself using more ubuntu than XP right now and would like to wait till they fix all the imp... 
Posted May 19, 2006 9:44:33 AM
Researcher behind Violence in Gaming Study Interviewed Time to forget about programming and get some drugs and drink alcohol since acording to that study that's what I should be doing after years of violent video games. On a more serious response, I do not consider the science of statistics as importa... 
Posted April 25, 2006 5:27:41 PM
srand() and rand() portability thanks very much with 3 alternatives I guess I have plenty of options 
Posted April 15, 2006 7:55:39 PM
game Xye 0.6 feedback wanted really? tried downloading the new file and it still doesn't work? It should work, if it doesn't then just use xye.exe and forget about xyegui Edit: I am sorry, seems I had some huge 'issues' today, but it should work 100% fine by now. (Download it... 
Posted April 5, 2006 6:45:04 PM
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