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Member Since 1/19/2006 9:31:29 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Virtual Table Tennis 3D for Android This is the first of (hopefully) many Android game projects. Since last summer I've been striving to develop and publish an Android game. I started out writing a framework in Java but I ended up scraping it in favor of using the NDK which finally got... 
Posted February 9, 2010 12:17:27 PM
Vertex texture fetch Hi, I was wondering what kind of experiences everyone has had with vertex texture fetch support on D3D. I've been using the tex2Dlod instruction for sampling in my vertex shader (pure HLSL/non-effect), but it keeps on returning 0. I'm tr... 
Posted August 12, 2008 12:54:29 AM
Vertex texture fetch & mipmaps Hi, I've been playing around with vertex texture fetch and I've been able to read all sorts of textures from my GLSL vertex shader (3d textures, cube maps, etc).. but I can't seem to read mipmap levels other than the base. For e.g. In my ve... 
Posted July 31, 2008 5:46:35 PM
Convert from OBJ to X Hi, What are some good free tools for converting from OBJ to X model format? Thanks 
Posted March 13, 2008 4:39:58 PM
Fixed function cell shading with positional lights Hi, I've implemented cell shading with directional lighting by using the technique described in this article ( As described in the article, I take the dot product of the vertex nor... 
Posted October 29, 2007 3:42:22 PM
Downsampling an FBO color buffer Hi, Using only non-GLSL OpenGL, whats the best way to downsample an FBO color buffer? I want to do a simple light bloom effect by combining several downsampled buffers. So far, i've done it by using smaller viewports/textures to draw the... 
Posted December 19, 2006 2:33:40 AM
PBuffers and Multitexture Is it possible to bind separate PBuffers to different texture units. Specifically, could you create PBuffers A, B, C, and D and then bind A to unit GL_TEXTURE0, B to unit GL_TEXTURE1, etc? Thanks. 
Posted December 18, 2006 2:23:11 AM
Error using glAccum I get GL_INVALID_OPERATION from glAccum. The call is not made between begin and end. Is there any kind of special initialization that is needed to use the accumulation buffer? Is glAcucum a generally supported feature by most OpenGL implementatio... 
Posted December 14, 2006 12:39:08 AM
Simple sound API Hello, I'm wondering what would be a simple sound API I could use in my game. I'm looking for something simple enough where I can literally call loadSound(<sound.wav>) to load sounds and then call playSound(<sound>) to play the sound e... 
Posted July 26, 2006 2:19:13 PM
Any hope for game programming as a practical career? Hello, I'm pretty new to this forum but i'm writing in hopes of getting some feedback from some programmers who have had some long term experience working in the game development industry. My story: I recently had an interview for a program... 
Posted April 3, 2006 2:21:23 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
I'm going to try to make a game...... again My recommendation is that you start off with a small game and aim to complete it within several months. Be honest with yourself about how much you can accomplish given your level of experience and resource. If you ask me, I'd drop the grand idea o... 
Posted April 9, 2010 11:00:43 PM
OpenGL ES texture compression On Android it depends on the specific handset you are running the game on. You would have to query for a particular compression extension to see if its supported. To do this, call glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) and see if any of the compress... 
Posted April 8, 2010 12:53:07 PM
framebuffer completeness You need to create a depth buffer (by creating a render buffer) and attach it to the FBO. Theres a pretty good tutorial of the basics here: 
Posted April 8, 2010 12:48:27 PM
Saving/Loading Data One approach that has worked well for me is to store all of your save data into a class or struct (that can contain nested classes/struct) and then serialize them to disk. If your classes/structs contain many fields you can write generic serialize... 
Posted April 4, 2010 7:29:46 PM
Fastest way of drawing ARGB fonts? Is your text going to be changing dynamically during runtime? If not, I recommend you create a static vertex buffer object full of quads (indexed if possible) at load time and use that to draw every frame. If your text will be dynamically changing th... 
Posted April 3, 2010 8:47:42 PM
Timer Functions What OS/platform are you developing on? 
Posted April 3, 2010 1:35:13 PM
What now? It all depends on what your objectives are in the long run. Are you planning on applying to a game programming position, working on your own indie title (if so what platform), etc? 
Posted April 3, 2010 1:31:05 PM
DX11 DirectCompute Buddhabrot & Nebulabrot Renderer Wow nice work! 
Posted April 3, 2010 1:23:52 PM
Game Programming Language I've also heard great things about QT but I haven't personally tried it myself. 
Posted April 3, 2010 12:27:40 AM
Game Programming Language There are probably tons of solutions out there depending on your needs, but if you're planning on writing native code and using OpenGL then your best bet is probably using c/c++ in conjunction with a cross-platform windowing library like SD... 
Posted April 3, 2010 12:26:29 AM
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