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Member Since 6/3/2005 1:10:01 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
out of texture memory question Hello all, Say I have 300MB of texture loaded, and binded properly, so I have id for all textures. But my system have VRAM of 32MB, and I'm using 300MB textures. The quetsion is, what is happening in this scenario? Does OpenGL API constantly dest... 
Posted December 13, 2009 11:17:24 AM
some DevIL and OpenGL texture questions Hi all, after some time I decided to move to OpenGL from DirectX, found DevIL for image manipulations, but seems that I cannot find some answers on net. These questions may seem trivial, but I'm a pretty new to OpenGL. First of all, if I loa... 
Posted December 9, 2009 1:02:05 PM
global variables in PHP Hi all, I'm just curious, is there any possibility to define on server startup, or first login of one user, one class (variable) that is available always to all users. Say user A logs in, sets one variable X to 5, then B logs... 
Posted October 7, 2009 5:34:47 PM
SQL Replication or Clustering? Hello I have one small problem. I have some small online gaming system, with game servers and one MySql server containing the game specific data. The problem is that if there is a physical failure of DB server everything will stop.... 
Posted May 15, 2009 2:37:37 PM
"Flickering" in DirectX Hello there, Let me explain my problem. I am creating several swapchains to render to multiple targets. On some point in program I need to stop rendering on one or more views, so I'm actually not calling the Begin/Clear/End functions... 
Posted March 25, 2009 7:21:08 PM
numbers and points in c++ Hi How can be ie integer of 1200134 printed out like 1.200.134 in c++? I have googled for solution, but no usable code.... thanks in advance 
Posted February 3, 2009 3:59:52 PM
overriding hell problem Check this code: class mainClass_mg { public: virtual void overrideMe() { std::cout << "overrideMe mainClass_mg" << endl; } }; mainClass_mg* getMeOne(int i); class subClass_s : public mainClass_mg { protected: int... 
Posted November 15, 2008 8:46:30 AM
try/catch and __try/__except problem Hi I have made some exception handling in my program with __try/__except which catches exceptions and logs them normally like: long ExcCatch(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS lpExceptionInfo, char *file, char *function, int ln, char* timestamp) { /... 
Posted October 30, 2008 9:19:19 AM
SDI with two or more views Hi Is there any possibility that I can make SDI program, with same frame window, but different doc/views? I want to make for example that one of views is derived from CListView while second one is derived from CEditView, and that I can... 
Posted October 27, 2008 6:30:21 PM
PHP encoder Hi I want to encode PHP files, making files unreadable. Which PHP encoder is the best buy considering options/price? thanks in advance 
Posted October 21, 2008 7:44:27 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
DirectX :::Sprite using with 3d First of all you're probably drawing every charachter/number in between lot BeginSpprite/EndSprite calls. Use it only once. Second you can use DrawText. Check here. But the best thing you should use are Bitmap Fonts 
Posted January 5, 2010 4:58:22 PM
[SOLVED] ID3DXFont flickers on release, fine on debug temp_rect.left = i_x; = i_y; you're missing right and bottom values [smile]  
Posted January 5, 2010 7:26:19 AM
out of texture memory question Thank you for reply [smile]  
Posted December 14, 2009 5:54:40 AM
some DevIL and OpenGL texture questions Quote:Original post by Brad789 If the textures is showing up upside down it is probably because in DirectX the coordinate 0,0 is at the top left of the image and in OpenGL the coordinate 0,0 is at the bottom left of the image. I haven't used DevIL... 
Posted December 9, 2009 4:05:16 PM
global variables in PHP Quote:Original post by Konfusius Yep, memcache can do that! You could also try APC. Thanx! Memcache looks exactly what I was searching for. I thought that shared memory will be the winner, but this is much better. thanks again. 
Posted October 9, 2009 11:53:13 AM
HEX texture problem Don't use 58x58 quad for texture, use 64x64 or any power of two dimension for the textures. 
Posted August 24, 2009 2:46:02 PM
How do I make the NPCs "know" the map? Hi Make Nodes, points on map and move the NPCs between the points, so they will not know the entire map, only the points between they will move. 
Posted May 25, 2009 7:06:39 PM
SQL Replication or Clustering? Thanks BeanDog Well I have also tried to read the huge documentation for connecting databases in cluster/replication system. One of major priorities are that master-slave are never out of sync, because every piece of data is important. 2-3 sec... 
Posted May 23, 2009 3:15:08 AM
Virtual Key Codes in the Console Quote:Original post by Rewdew I think his code was more of an example of what he was looking for in concept, doubt his variable can be two different values at the same time :-) Eh [smile] my fault. Should be || instead of &&. 
Posted March 31, 2009 1:16:56 PM
Virtual Key Codes in the Console Quote:Original post by Dark_Glitch Ok, I'm getting a good handle on this stuff, but is there a way to get this to work? *** Source Snippet Removed *** I need this program to check for more than one key being held down at a time. I tr... 
Posted March 30, 2009 3:12:05 PM
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