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Full Name Tom Shane
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Member Since 6/23/2007 9:36:47 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Neoforce Controls (XNA 3) This is update of Neoforce Controls. Neoforce Controls library is written in C# and XNA Game Studio 3. Right now it supports only PC platform. Expansion to XBOX 360 is not planned at the moment, since I don't own this device. The main goal... 
Posted January 27, 2009 5:57:00 PM
[XNA] Accessing Another Game's Profile Data Hello, I'd like to ask if anyone has an experience in file system on Xbox 360. What I wonder about is if I'm able to access profile data (saved games, configuration) from another game. For example: I'd like to write an utility which would... 
Posted June 29, 2009 7:02:28 AM
Neoforce Controls Skinnable GUI system for XNA. This project is in pre-alpha phase. Only small demonstration of skinning ability and basic controls available at this moment. With the <Enter> key you can add more random positioned windows. Features Ava... 
Posted July 7, 2007 1:19:04 PM
Neoforce Controls (updated) Skinnable GUI system for XNA. Now supports XNA 2.0, there is improved stability and performance in the new release, however, still in alpha phase of development. Features Available: - Flexible skinning format - Movable and resizable windows -... 
Posted December 30, 2007 12:50:38 PM
FPS Independent Mouse Cursor Hey, I'm developing GUI for XNA. I have created my own cursor class, which is rendered as a sprite (because of transparency, shadow etc.). Problem is, once the framerate drops below ~40 fps, cursor movement becomes dysfluent. I'm updating mou... 
Posted June 24, 2007 7:10:16 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
CUDA Flocking Demo Very cool, indeed. 
Posted September 3, 2009 6:32:20 AM
Neoforce Controls (XNA 3) Hello, I'd like to report some news to the latest build of Neoforce Controls. First of all, the input system has been completely reworked allowing smoother frame rates when displaying a lot of controls on the screen. The support for ga... 
Posted August 29, 2009 5:14:12 AM
Neoforce Controls Quote:Original post by Demosthenes The link ( redirects to codeplex main page. Sorry, the this thread is outdated. Here is updated one:  
Posted June 26, 2009 1:41:46 PM
Neoforce Controls (XNA 3) Hi, I've created small demonstration video of the controls. The quality is not the best, tho. 
Posted June 3, 2009 5:03:33 AM
Making a textbox from scratch? Hello, I was implementing a textbox control for my GUI library for XNA. So far I have implemented just single-line textbox allowing selection, horizontal text scrolling, copy, paste, moving by words, words selection etc. In this regard it works al... 
Posted March 24, 2009 7:03:36 AM
Neoforce Controls (XNA 3) Hi Scott, thanks for trying out the new version. Right now I don't have a clue what could be wrong with running the Central 360 application, but I try to investigate further. Regarding controls mapping, the whole thing with gamepad is just expe... 
Posted February 11, 2009 7:11:37 AM
Neoforce Controls (XNA 3) Hello, I have just released new version, which "should" support Xbox 360. I haven't tested it if it runs. Anyway, it supports gamepad now with some experimental button mappings. -Ryann 
Posted February 9, 2009 4:57:36 PM
Neoforce Controls (XNA 3) Hello, thanks for comments. As for porting it to SlimDX, it would be definetly great experience, but I'm affraid at the moment I spend all my free time on development for XNA and the project is still in alpha phase. Simply there is too many t... 
Posted January 29, 2009 4:13:18 AM
Neoforce Controls (updated) Hello, new pre-beta version has been released. Many things have been enhanced and there are new controls added.  
Posted June 19, 2008 8:00:23 AM
0 A.D. by Wildfire Games It looks really great. Screenshots on your webpage are amazing and show a lot of detail. I like the version with the dusk. 
Posted February 8, 2008 3:14:33 AM
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