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Get to know HeelX...  
Full Name Christian Behrenberg
Nickname HeelX 
State/Province, Country    Germany
GD Gathering City Dortmund, , Germany
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Current Occupation
Job Title game designer / student 
Job Description game developer 
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Member Since 12/23/2001 10:59:29 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Gamestudio A7 FMOD Wrapper Logo Contest Hi folks, I am currently developing a Plugin for Gamestudio A7 that lets a A7 developer access FMOD 3.75 from both C-Script and Lite-C through one interface, integrated Gamestudio native resource support and lots of other features. The plugin... 
Posted September 22, 2009 6:56:09 AM
The emo chronicles: Razor for my Valentine (WIP) Hi there, to celebrate these lovely sunny days of spring (here at Germany, though), I thought we (Spike and me) should share some latest shots from our WIP game "The Emo Chronicles: Razor for my Valentine". Its another bloody & lovely episode from... 
Posted April 2, 2008 1:41:13 AM
a7titude the a7titude - an experimental game with style Trailer <CLICK HERE TO SEE THE TRAILER ON YOUTUBE> Description a7titude is a game of skill which ensembles several tricky puzzles which have to be solved to get to the next s... 
Posted June 18, 2008 11:43:11 PM
RUDI - an open source Christmas game "On the Night before Christmas Eve, something went wrong... and there is only one reindeer to make it alright." TRAILER: video on the RUDI game page low quality versions: YouTube Trailer Google Video Trailer ... 
Posted December 17, 2007 2:33:35 PM
RUDI - an open source Christmas game "On the Night before Christmas Eve, something went wrong... and there is only one reindeer to make it alright." TRAILER: youTube video high quality trailer on my page: RUDI game page GALLERY: < 
Posted December 17, 2007 4:39:02 PM
the secret Christmas project - call for narrators I hope I post it in the right section:  
Posted December 6, 2007 4:35:47 PM
Monster Mega Mayhem out now! Hello guys, I jumped in and helped a friend to finish his game. Monster Mega Mayhem is a 3D Score Brawler, in which you have to score as many points as possible (kinda obvious, isn't it?). You get points for a kill, for scaring some kids or collec... 
Posted November 5, 2007 11:39:06 AM
Lite-C FMOD wrapper plugin DLL for the A7 game engine Hey folks, I am proud to announce the first release of the Lite-C FMOD wrapper plugin DLL (v 0.1) for the announced A7 game engine. It is a wrapper for the FMOD 3.75 DLL, designed by Fireflight Technologies, Inc. What is FMOD / the Lite-C wrapp... 
Posted May 10, 2007 8:45:09 AM
MIDI Change I wanna put some nice music (->MIDIs) into my project, but the files i took are nice, too, but i wanna change the instruments. The thing is, that i want an external program which i can use for exchanging the instruments. If you’ve got some i... 
Posted December 23, 2001 11:04:27 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The emo chronicles: Razor for my Valentine (WIP) Thanks :) Every boy and every girl are welcome, no matter where he or she comes from. 
Posted July 25, 2008 6:36:04 PM
The emo chronicles: Razor for my Valentine (WIP) Hello my friends, there was a long silence about the Emo Chronicles now. There were several reasons for this like regular life, paid projects, our girlfriends, university/work and so, but we are not dead. The project is too promising that we would... 
Posted July 25, 2008 8:37:36 AM
a7titude Hey guys, the game is now available on my website: for free. You can get also the source version. Enjoy! Bye - Chris 
Posted July 1, 2008 2:17:01 AM
a7titude Thank you guys for all those nice and some not so nice posts, I really appreciate that resonance :) cool! If you like to, maybe you can go into the gamestudio forums and vote for me: Vote thread (though, you have to register). Thank you a... 
Posted June 21, 2008 7:33:20 AM
The emo chronicles: Razor for my Valentine (WIP) Hello and thanks for your nice comments. The game will be freeware and to be released this summer. The game is about or lovely emo, Michael, who has the desire to cry all the time... emo stuff. His nemesis is Trixie, a lovely fairy. She and her fr... 
Posted April 3, 2008 7:03:51 AM
RUDI - an open source Christmas game Hello folks, I am proud to announce that RUDI v0.1 has been finally released! You'll find the full game, the source (GPL) and the workshop (currently only available in German) on my website, which is 
Posted December 24, 2007 5:47:17 AM
RUDI - an open source Christmas game Hehe thanks :) the bad looking trees were looking better a week ago but we decided to make them look worser but render faster by removing a specific shader for the trees. Cheers Christian! 
Posted December 17, 2007 5:47:11 PM
the secret Christmas project - call for narrators For sure: Cheers, Christian 
Posted December 7, 2007 2:54:14 PM
the secret Christmas project - call for narrators Some people told me that "native speakers" is confusing. I mean native english speakers :) not Navaho or something like that. Cheers, Christian 
Posted December 7, 2007 12:34:45 AM
Monster Mega Mayhem out now! Hey - it is cool that you liked the cinematics :) thanks! 
Posted November 10, 2007 11:04:09 AM
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