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Member Since 7/14/2007 6:45:23 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
TCP/UDP through routers, firewalls, etc ... Hi there, I am developing a networked game. I have my own network library build upon basic TCP / UDP. One issue that I am starting to worry about is that many players will be behind routers. Is there anything I can do to avoid having players m... 
Posted April 3, 2008 5:06:16 PM
D3D Device from C# to unmanaged C++ Hi All, Here is my problem: On one hand C# is great for fast dev and UIs, but on the other hand I have a huge - rather non trivial - code base in (unmanaged) C++ / DirectX. So, quite obviously, I would like to create a D3D device fro... 
Posted October 11, 2007 4:48:59 PM
Ragdoll Smasher These are screenshots from my latest game: Ragdoll Smasher. It is based on a very stupid idea: Throwing a character in the air to break stuff. I was playing with character animation and ragdolls and it seemed to be the obvious thing to do :-) ... 
Posted July 14, 2007 1:57:02 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
TCP/UDP through routers, firewalls, etc ... Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot! 
Posted April 3, 2008 6:07:16 PM
D3D Device from C# to unmanaged C++ Thanks - exactly what I was looking for!  
Posted October 12, 2007 1:49:53 AM
Ragdoll Smasher Hi All, For those who could not play because of shader model 3, I reduced the requirements to shader model 2. Download from As I only have either shader model 1 or 3 hardware, I could not test for sure. Pl... 
Posted July 20, 2007 3:00:57 PM
Ragdoll Smasher Quote:Original post by Dom_152 Hey I downloaded it as it looked like fun but it won't start. At all. I open one of the PLAY scripts and I get a generic "ragdoll.exe has encountered a problem and needs to be shutdown..." error. :( Sorry it do... 
Posted July 17, 2007 1:28:26 PM
Ragdoll Smasher Quote:Original post by PaulCesar The world is being overpopulated by regis filman clones who have decided to build immense idiotic structures which clutter the beauty of the planet. The supreme being is angered by this and resolves the best way to... 
Posted July 17, 2007 1:27:01 PM
Ragdoll Smasher Quote:Original post by azito Looks fun! If yo add some storyline to it, it can be a finished product ;) Hmmm, storyline... This one will be tricky ;-)  
Posted July 16, 2007 12:28:33 PM
Ragdoll Smasher Quote:Original post by asdzxc Quote:Original post by sylefeb However what you are experiencing is that the character just fall flat without flying in the air? It could be that the simulation thread does not run properly for some reason. Hey I ha... 
Posted July 16, 2007 12:25:18 PM
Ragdoll Smasher A "bone breaker" actually occurs when a character falls on its head/spine :-) It's not meant to describe a bug. However what you are experiencing is that the character just fall flat without flying in the air? It could be that the simulation... 
Posted July 15, 2007 5:44:00 PM
Ragdoll Smasher Hi there, The dll error should go away if you install the latest DirectX package. Download it from: I recommend using the 'DirectX End User Runtimes (June 2007) Full Download' Hope this works... 
Posted July 15, 2007 1:50:13 PM
Ragdoll Smasher Thanks for trying the game! A few things to check for those encountering problems: - Be carefull to run the game at a resolution lower than your screen res - otherwise the 'throw' arrow won't work properly. - The game won't run if the GPU does n... 
Posted July 15, 2007 5:24:42 AM
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