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Get to know doronf...  
Full Name Doron 
Nickname doronf 
State/Province, Country Dundee City   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Dundee, Dundee City, United Kingdom
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Current Occupation
Job Title Software Engineer 
Job Description Work on APB project 
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Member Since 9/26/2007 12:35:46 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Improved PCF Shadowmaps Recently I played Crysis Warhead and Lego Batman which are two prime examples of how shadows should and shouldn't look. While Crysis features slick looking soft shadows, Lego Batman features almost all the possible artifacts you can get using shadowm... 
Posted May 1, 2009 9:52:24 AM
Soft body simulation As part of a job application, I was asked to simulate a soft box constrained to a plane. In addition, the box should support user interaction using the mouse. This task was completed in one week. Don’t know if I got that job yet, but the resu... 
Posted December 8, 2008 3:01:05 AM
Problem with MD5 texture mapping I thought it would be nice to add MD5Mesh support in my engine, but things didn't go so well with the texture mapping. The texture seems to be mapped in the wrong direction. As an example, see the text on the case in the following image: http:/... 
Posted August 22, 2008 3:48:04 AM
Shadowmaps and out-door rendering Hi I would like to add shadow maps to my out-door scene. The problem is that since the visible area is large, the result is very grainy. What can I do to improve the visual quality of the shadows? 
Posted August 2, 2008 3:54:10 AM
AO as post processing effect Hi This is my first post on the site so go easy on me ;) The images show my attempt at calcualting AO in real-time as a post process effect. The calculation requires PS3. The input for the calculation is a depthmap and the process take... 
Posted April 1, 2008 11:44:47 PM
Writing effect files for different type of hardware in DX Hi Up until now, all the effect files I wrote where designed for a specific hardware. This made things easy since I was always sure that the PS and VS versions I am using are supported by the hardware. Now I am thinking about upgrading the effect s... 
Posted April 8, 2008 3:49:29 AM
CheckDeviceFormat issue Hi I have a GF5700 (yes yes, about time to upgrade...) and I have a problem with CheckDeviceFormat (that amoung other things should tell me if the render target I am trying to create is supported by my device). If I open caps viewer and search for t... 
Posted October 27, 2007 4:50:20 PM
Problem with sprite scale Hi I have a problem with direct X sprite interface. What I want to do is render something to a render target once and then display it on a small part of the screen for a few frames over the main scene (sort of an overlay). My target is 2... 
Posted October 12, 2007 5:01:54 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Passing member function pointer In C++ you may want to avoid the static function pointers and use object pointers (references) instead. In general, you do not want to use a pointer to a member function in C++ (altough there are always exceptions) as this is more C like approch. 
Posted December 29, 2009 4:14:04 AM
Dog Fight Can you do that kind of reflection without shaders? I think he is using stenciel reflection which is flat. 
Posted November 11, 2009 12:10:19 PM
Spanking The Donkey Good one :) 
Posted October 7, 2009 5:08:31 AM
CUDA Flocking Demo This movie looks amazing! Are you going to incorporate this CUDA implementation in your game? 
Posted September 3, 2009 6:13:51 AM
Tactical MMOG - first pre-alpha image Looks very good. I like the industrial theme. What are you using for your engine (rendering, physics and so forth)? Would be interesting to see how your project develops. 
Posted September 1, 2009 6:17:12 AM
Area adding algorithm Can you give an example of how an area is defined? 
Posted July 29, 2009 5:43:21 AM
Magic Flowers Very nice. Loved the style. 
Posted July 29, 2009 5:36:00 AM
Problem with lighting on terrain It looks like you didn't calculate the normals properly or your lighting equation is wrong (if you are not using the fixed pipeline). An easy way to calculate the vertex normals is to to average for each vertex the face normals it belongs to. i.e:... 
Posted May 28, 2009 10:02:29 AM
Shadow Mapping for large terrain - Help Needed!!! Yup, the image looks bad... Shadow for terrain is not an easy task. From the image I would say the calculation is completely wrong. Rendering back faces of the terrain is not going to help you, since the terrain is not a closed shape (actually it... 
Posted May 25, 2009 12:21:36 PM
Improved PCF Shadowmaps Quote:Original post by BlindSide Quote:Original post by doronf 4 samples based bilinear filtering is implemented in hardware this days so you don't have to do the calculation manually. Unfortunately, this type of filtering can not be applied direct... 
Posted May 11, 2009 4:41:35 AM
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