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Member Since 2/20/2005 4:42:40 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
SpaceFighter - Download available Space Fighter v0.5 now available This game is in the same top-down style of asteroids, but pits 4 players (or AI) against each other. Compete in deathmatch game modes, king of the hi... 
Posted July 14, 2008 2:51:04 PM
Simple C++ pointer problem Hi. I have the current test code: void ReturnMe(char *value){ value = (char*)malloc(10); } Which i'm calling like this: char* stringPtr;stringPtr = 0; ReturnMe(stringPtr); So what i'm trying to achieve is to return a pointer to a memory l... 
Posted February 1, 2007 12:52:40 PM
Transforms in Multi-Pass effect (HDR sample) I've been working on a little application based on the HDRLighting sample included with the DX9August SDK. I've made some small changes, but I'm having trouble applying a transformation matrix to a mesh within the HDR Pass. An extract from... 
Posted December 29, 2005 6:09:31 AM
Extracting Xr Yr Zr from a matrix I'm quite unfamiliar with matrices at the moment, and need help with something. I want to tell if a box is upside down, so I want to find out the Z rotational value, so if it is between a certain value, it has been flipped over. How can I find a sin... 
Posted October 22, 2005 6:28:51 AM
Rendering to .AVI or other video format Ok, I have a program that I am working on, and I want to be able to export a video file from the program. What I need is some code snippets or a tutorial (couldn't find any on google) for how to export what direct3D is rendering to a video... 
Posted June 1, 2005 11:22:32 AM
Resetting D3DDevice not working - DX 8.1 I'm working for DirectX 8.1, and want to be able to change the resolution in-game. I am trying to use IDirect3DDevice8::Reset, but it always returns a fail. HRESULT hr; D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS d3dpp; D3DDISPLAYMODE display_mode; //Zero our d... 
Posted May 6, 2005 12:25:14 PM
Direct3D 8.1 - Changing Resolution mid-game Ok, I've got this Physics demo i'm developing, but I want the pause menu to be able to re-load textures, and change settings like Resolution. I can change texture depth fine, but the problem comes when I attempt to change resolution. I release the gD... 
Posted April 28, 2005 2:59:13 PM
Tokamak - The WorldWideSearch Tokamak is a speedy, freeware physics engine that some of you may have seen before. It has features such as stacking, and geometric breakages. Tokamak began development in 2003, but around May 2004, all contact with the development team and the Mode... 
Posted February 20, 2005 4:51:37 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
SpaceFighter - Download available I've now updated SpaceFighter to run on OpenGL, so should now run on DX9-less systems. It also reduces the install time drastically. I've also added a different control scheme to make it easier to control with the joystick. You can revert... 
Posted July 26, 2008 4:06:22 PM
SpaceFighter - Download available There have been a few responses about the installer. It was compiled with Express 2005 SP1, so needs the VC++ runtime. It needs OpenAL for the sound, and also needs the DirectX9 d3dx_37.dll to run. Because the DirectX download is quite hefty for mo... 
Posted July 23, 2008 10:47:35 AM
Simple C++ pointer problem Thanks :) 
Posted February 1, 2007 1:56:43 PM
Simple C++ pointer problem Thanks for your help everyone, it seems I need to learn the difference between pointers and references. Out of curiosity, would my original code work in C, GCC or otherwise, or am I being delusional? Quote:Original post by Zahlman's Signature ... 
Posted February 1, 2007 1:49:32 PM
Wind engine images Very impressive looking engine. Are you doing any particular optimisations for moving the world at high speed? Also, what sort of system specs are we looking at, and how scalable is the engine? 
Posted February 14, 2006 3:11:30 PM
root engine - landscape Very impressive work! I bet it looks even better in motion. Tree-wise, I believe Unreal produced a demo showing off a method of drawing trees very quicky by using billboarded leaf groups. Although the technology is probably costly, it may be worth... 
Posted February 7, 2006 5:07:14 PM
Transforms in Multi-Pass effect (HDR sample) Ah, great. Thanks, I thought it would be something simple, but I didn't quite know what. Thanks for your help. 
Posted December 29, 2005 6:55:15 AM
Extracting Xr Yr Zr from a matrix Well, it seems to work, when it's upright I get close to 1 and when it's upside down I get close to -1. I think the orientation of my box is probably wrong, so I've got the Z axis pointing up, which would explain why X.y returns a value that you'd... 
Posted October 22, 2005 8:51:03 AM
Extracting Xr Yr Zr from a matrix Thanks Grain, it's making sense now. 
Posted October 22, 2005 8:20:30 AM
Extracting Xr Yr Zr from a matrix Ok, thanks. I think i've got it by using the Y value from the X column. 
Posted October 22, 2005 7:13:18 AM
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