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Member Since 10/1/2003 6:40:16 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
string::compare not working as expected Hi Gamedev, I'm currently writing a little multi-platform game using C++ and I've encountered a problem with parsing the text file that contains the level data. std::string collidableType; std::getline( input, collidableType ); // Input is a... 
Posted March 16, 2010 1:32:05 PM
Win32- toggling multiple controls? I'm having real problems with this one, the information available on Google is really confusing and incomplete. Basically what I want is a bunch of controls grouped together under a panels, with several of these panels. I want to be able... 
Posted February 15, 2010 3:17:47 PM
Putting formatted data into / reading it back out of a stream [C++] In my game I'm going to have levels stored (at least initially) in ASCII files, and read them in using an input stream in order to easily extract the tokens as floats, ints, etc. For instance, I open an input stream and pass it to the level loader. I... 
Posted January 13, 2010 2:36:42 PM
Spring Damping Hi I'm having some trouble understanding spring damping, in particular, this document. Can anyone help explain where the second part of that equation comes from? I (think) understand the first part (before the + sign,) is Hooke's law, Fs=-kx (wher... 
Posted September 8, 2009 12:19:24 PM
Magic Flowers There's a HD youtube video at This is a game developed over the course of 9 weeks by myself (a programmer) and a bunch of others (programmers and artists) for a university project. There's no shadows in t... 
Posted July 20, 2009 10:06:33 AM
HLSL performance slower than FFP for simple task Alrighty, all I want to do is to draw a textured scene with the pixels drawn using a shader. I have both approaches- the usual D3D fixed function way, and a pixel shader that is as follows: sampler2D diffuseSampler = sampler_state { Text... 
Posted June 13, 2009 10:38:15 PM
Higher contrast in the depth buffer? [DX9] Edit: This was previously called Replacing depth stencil surface with a texture, then using that texture but I changed the subject :) I'm writing a program where I need to store the depth of each pixel. At the moment I'm using a pixel shader to wr... 
Posted May 20, 2009 9:02:15 AM
Super Skull Adventures 2D Java platformer [Applet] Hi everyone Just released my latest game: Its not particularly sophisticated, there's only two enemy types but I cant really be bothered to improve it any further, you guys probably know the feeling >_< Thanks for looking :) ... 
Posted April 26, 2009 11:31:47 AM
Shadow maps without shaders Hello Is there a way to render a scene with shadow maps without using shaders? I have my scene being rendered to a depth texture (texture created with D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL), but I'm unsure how to actually do the comparison between the z-value of... 
Posted March 23, 2009 7:36:04 PM
more collision detection woes Hi I currently have a collision system written in Java whereby if 2 shapes are found to intersect, they are moved apart along shortest distance possible. For example, box A moves towards box B at 0.1 unit per frame. When they collide they will... 
Posted February 25, 2009 6:54:22 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
string::compare not working as expected Thanks guys, it was a carriage return '\r' that needed removing. I'm not sure why this makes the comparison equal to one though. Anyhow, my solution (incase anyone else has this problem) was simply to remove any carriage returns from the stri... 
Posted March 16, 2010 6:45:55 PM
The Depth I found that quite interesting, thanks. I know what you mean about Objective C, it never really clicked with me. I'm developing my iPhone game with C++ in Visual Studio, wrapped up nicely so I can easily reboot in OSX, put it in XCode and port it to... 
Posted January 14, 2010 1:55:12 PM
Higher contrast in the depth buffer? [DX9] Cheers, that's a bit of a pain but not too bad. Now my problem is the resolution of my depth texture. Only things really close to the camera are producing enough contrast to be visible. Am I correct in understanding that this is because depth... 
Posted May 20, 2009 12:04:03 PM
Super Skull Adventures 2D Java platformer [Applet] Thanks guys :) Ezbez: That's odd, I've seen that kind of behavior once before when I tested it using a netbook. I was unable to repeat it though, all subsequent visits it ran fine. Not sure what's wrong really. Has anyone else tried it? 
Posted April 28, 2009 2:30:54 PM
more collision detection woes I don't think that would work, since its not only the normal but also the distance that needs to be taken into account. The object would still end up partially inside the wall(s). Thanks for the suggestion though :) I will test it when I get hom... 
Posted February 27, 2009 4:50:52 AM
more collision detection woes Thanks++, I think I located the problem. As far as I can tell it was because I was not rounding properly when drawing. Now I have a new problem. When my object collides with two surfaces that are not perpendicular (ie. goes into a corner) the obje... 
Posted February 26, 2009 6:13:41 PM
GDNet show and tell: a blog and a band I don't read blogs but I thought I'd mention Machinae Supremacy as a band, since a) it sounds like 80s videogame music (blended with metal) and b) there's loads of tracks available for free on their website. The vocals take some getting used to... 
Posted January 6, 2007 10:53:35 AM
self-induced fainting/blacking out. Whole life flash before your eyes. This was a craze when I was at school (a few years back,) until some girl got into the local newspaper after it killed her. So I'd say its not a great idea. Sorry >_< 
Posted October 5, 2006 2:27:39 PM
Yarr, it be Sept 19th, mateys  
Posted September 19, 2006 2:28:07 PM
Connecting an electric guitar to my computer Cheers everyone! I got it working using the guide Promit wrote (nice one!) I have heard that the best results are using an amp and a good mic, but I'm only starting out so that's not really necessary yet. Plus having all the wacky effect... 
Posted September 16, 2006 10:11:10 PM
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