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Member Since 3/29/2005 12:49:06 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Distance field based Text rendering I recently came across the Valve article describing their method of converting decals to distance fields for high resolution rendering of much lower resolution input images. I thought that this may be interesting for font rendering in games and soft... 
Posted May 20, 2008 8:00:43 PM
class with size=0 Hi, In the Documentation you state that if a class is registered with a size of 0, it cannot be instanciated. While this is true for variables defined in a function, member variables of a class can still be declared without the @. This has... 
Posted June 28, 2006 6:28:09 AM
ostringstream with AS Hi Witchlord, on to my next experiment :) I want to have an ostringstream like class for nice string formatting. Therefor I took a look at the OutStream from Sam Cragg. Because he only supports cout / cin, I started to convert the whole... 
Posted June 28, 2006 6:06:39 PM
Function names Me again. I have now written an .as code that I try to compile and run. class CMyGame { // Functions void init() { this.m_inst.setTemplate(cast(this.m_tile)); } void update() { this.m_inst.render(); } // Member Variab... 
Posted June 21, 2006 5:10:40 AM
C++ class casting Hi everyone, I just started using angelscript and got quiet used to it. Now I have a question regarding class casting. Consider this: // C++ class CInstance { setTemplate(CTemplate* pTemplate); }; class CTemplate { void render()... 
Posted June 20, 2006 5:47:44 AM
Small Bug in the Freetype Tutorial I found a small "bug" in the Freetype Tutorial. In the file freetype.cpp at Line 199 it should say gluOrtho2D(viewport[0],viewport[2]+viewport[0],viewport[1],viewport[3]+viewport[1]); instead of gluOrtho2D(viewport[0],viewport[2],vie... 
Posted April 17, 2005 8:51:29 AM
Geforce 4 and lower / User Clip Planes Hi All, Is it true that Geforce 4 and lower don't have UserClipPlanes ? ( I mean in Hardware ), I thought this has been a standard feature since ever ?! Cheers, Maddi <edit> Or does my driver suck ? </edit> 
Posted March 29, 2005 12:55:12 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
DirectShow hell :( MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi does not make much sense I guess, you need RGB or something alike. You could try the following: Instead of using a NULL_Renderer put a real one into it. ( Leave the grabber out for now ). Then remove the real renderer and rep... 
Posted November 26, 2009 6:15:58 AM
DirectShow hell :( My first guess would be that the decoder is missing from your games graph because the sample grabber does not request a specific format. I saw in your code that you commented out the subtype of RGB32 ( mt.subtype = GUID_NULL;//MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; ).... 
Posted November 26, 2009 4:37:11 AM
Physics of musical instruments? A quick google for your topic title already gives you a lot of result. One of my colleagues has a book titled quite similar that explains all the maths behind instruments. This page had some info on strings: 
Posted July 20, 2009 8:20:41 AM
Problem with Qt slots Thats most probably because you a) didn't put the header into your .pro file ( HEADERS += SetSizeDialog.h ) or b) you did not do "qmake" after putting it in there. Glad I could help 
Posted June 26, 2009 4:40:29 AM
Problems with CGImageGetWidth/-Height methods for iPhone dev Seems they put that functionality into a different Framework then. Under normal Mac OS X the documentation states "ApplicationServices" as the Framework. 
Posted June 26, 2009 4:15:34 AM
Problem with Qt slots I think you are missing the Q_OBJECT; macro in your class. // YourHeader.h class SetSizeDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT; // This tells qmake to create a moc for this class public: SetSizeDialog(MainWindow *parent); private slots: v... 
Posted June 26, 2009 4:10:18 AM
Problems with CGImageGetWidth/-Height methods for iPhone dev Based on the documentation my guess would be that you need to link against the "ApplicationServices" Framework too. Can't try it so I'm not sure.  
Posted June 24, 2009 8:59:17 AM
How to make objects appear solid (can't go through). Sadly there is no way to do this in OpenGL :) What you need is a physics simulation of some kind. Like Bullet or Havok or PhysX. Or search for physics engine. 
Posted April 3, 2009 12:57:08 PM
boost::signal and callbacks ... You can simply give your MsgProcStop struct a Constructor and a membervariable template<typename T> struct MsgProcStop { MsgProcStop(int stopIfRetVal) { _stopValue = stopIfRetVal; } typedef T result_type; ... 
Posted February 11, 2009 5:40:03 AM
Exploring Metaballs and Isosurfaces in 2D Good article, I always wondered about the mechanics behind Metaballs, now I understand. Couldn't resist, had to try it out with quartz / glsl: Glsl Metballs in 2D ( First post on the site )  
Posted September 4, 2008 2:17:28 AM
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