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Get to know SquareDanceSteve...  
Full Name Steven Bergstrom
Nickname SquareDanceSteve 
State/Province, Country CA   United States
GD Gathering City Sacramento, CA, United States
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ICQ ID 12521692 
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Member Since 7/7/2004 8:15:33 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Strategy Game seeking 2D Artist (+screen shots) Stevemata: Development Blog Brief description: A persistent multiplayer tactical and strategic war game. Target aim: Viral Sales Compensation: Compensation will be discussed in private. Technology: Windows & xbox36... 
Posted March 3, 2009 1:15:05 PM
XNA Skinned Bones Distortion I'm using 3ds max 2009 and the included fbx export plugin. I'm importing to into XNA 2 using the content manager set to SkinnedModelPipeline. The bone's scales appear to be distorted and irregular. Character mesh exported without bones. ... 
Posted August 5, 2008 7:36:56 PM
Interactive Grass (Titan Quest) I haven't started on my own implementation of interactive grass yet. I'm wondering if anyone else has implemented interactive grass like the grass in Titan Quest and if so, could they point me in the right direction? 
Posted August 3, 2008 12:41:46 AM
Stevemata This is my Puzzle game. To complete a puzzle the player must reach the finish. Boxes are the primary obstacle and the player may only push one box at a time. The majority of levels are a combination of transport puzzle and labyrinth. The... 
Posted June 18, 2007 5:23:03 PM
Authentic Engine Audio It turns out that the only thing worse then programmer art is programmer sound. My game very accurately models automotive power trains, it includes engine rpm, power band, gear boxes, rear axles and wheels. I have good input, I need tips or o... 
Posted June 10, 2008 9:38:55 PM
My Transport/Maze Puzzle Game - FEEDBACK PLEASE My game is a transport puzzle and maze. Please try my demo and give feedback. You can download the demo at and if your interested in making puzzles for it, send me an e-mail otherwise just leaving feedback would be more then e... 
Posted August 23, 2007 12:38:03 AM
Need Puzzle Makers & Artists & Testers I made a game! It needs puzzles! Anybody interesting in making puzzles for my transport puzzle game please head over to the website and download the demo. If you think you can handel making puzzles, contact me via e-mail or PM and I... 
Posted August 17, 2007 10:54:10 AM
failed timeBeginPeriod (api, winmm.dll) timeBeginPeriod affects no change on my laptop's timing precision, does any one know the cause or how to fix it? 
Posted June 18, 2007 12:24:40 PM
Star Horizon Compatibility & Combat Test Feedback Release “Star Horizon” Compatibility & Combat Test Feedback Release This release is intended to be only a compatibility test and combat feedback dialog. • No Powerups • No Levels Green team vs. Red Team, you are on green team. I am in... 
Posted January 12, 2006 1:32:11 PM
(RESOLVED) DX8, loading a vertex buffer into a D3DXmesh How would I go about loading a vertex buffer into a d3dx mesh object? *Edit* I have already made the vertexbuffer I would like to move it into the mesh object. (or if possibly could I simply load my data into the mesh's vertex buffer?) [Edited... 
Posted January 9, 2006 11:01:11 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Strategy Game seeking 2D Artist (+screen shots) bump 
Posted March 6, 2009 9:50:33 AM
Interactive Grass (Titan Quest) I had to run through a dozen videos or so, this video looks like like it's from some sort of mod for titan quest. You can see the grass movement pretty well when the scorpion surprises the player. 
Posted August 3, 2008 5:04:05 PM
FIFE - open source cross platform framework for isometric games Looks Awesome! 
Posted October 15, 2007 11:02:49 AM
Stevemata The screen shots were taken on my laptop, hence the 1440x900. My laptop has a nVidia 5600go, with hardware locked HP drivers that are around 3 years old. It isnt so hot with 8xAA and 8xAF. 
Posted June 25, 2007 1:29:18 PM
failed timeBeginPeriod (api, winmm.dll) I made a second window for my game that tracks performance. One of the things it tracks is the time elapsed between frames. It usually returns 16ms or 32ms and sometimes 48ms, that's very poor. 16ms is only 62 frames a second and 32ms is ... 
Posted June 18, 2007 3:31:38 PM
Star Horizon Compatibility & Combat Test Feedback Release No shaders. Do you have directx8.1? 
Posted January 13, 2006 10:11:00 AM
(RESOLVED) DX8, loading a vertex buffer into a D3DXmesh Resolved: Im using vb and I didnt relize that the getVertexBuffer instruction returned a "pointer" (vb dosnt have pointers so its sorta like a reference i think) alright its fixed. Smooth keyframe animation with xfiles done!  
Posted January 9, 2006 4:31:32 PM
Waterboy!! you dont need to disable the second monitor, just disable multi display performance mode 
Posted December 16, 2005 4:17:16 PM
DirectX7 SDK lost forever? tada 
Posted October 26, 2005 10:37:23 PM
VB.NET 3D Unreal Map Loader/Techdemo Well your beyond me. I use vb6/dx8.1 and vbdotnet/dx9 I prolly cant help you, but i am sure you could help me :) Us vb guys should stick together. 
Posted October 20, 2005 10:21:16 PM
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