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Member Since 1/26/2006 10:47:19 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Gymnast - physics based acrobatics Gymnast a physics-based, acrobatic freeware game for Windows, and (later) Xbox 360. The game is based on using modern gamepad's 2 analog thumbsticks to control a gymnast's body directly, and perform circus stunts! Main game features... 
Posted April 6, 2008 9:41:26 AM
JelloCar - XNA game for WIN + X360 JelloCar is a simple game for Windows and Xbox 360. In the game you must guide a squishy car through a squishy world, to reach the exit of each level. Everything in the world is simulated with soft body physics. You can temporarily inflate your ca... 
Posted October 7, 2007 2:45:59 PM
WiiSticks [wii remote + phyiscs] WiiSticks is my first attempt at using a Nintendo Wii remote as an input device for a physics application. It is a virtual version of a simplpe physics toy, where the player holds 2 sticks (grey), and uses them to flip and spin around a 3rd stick (b... 
Posted December 31, 2006 3:35:39 PM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 Walabers Trampoline is an action trampoline simulation game for the Windows PC. The game uses powerful physics and animation to create a very realistic looking 3D trampoline game. Utilizing an unique control scheme using only 7 buttons, players... 
Posted September 5, 2006 7:57:28 AM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 Description Walabers Trampoline is an action trampoline simulation game for the Windows PC. The game uses powerful physics and animation to create a very realistic looking 3D trampoline game. Utilizing an unique control scheme using only 7 butt... 
Posted September 4, 2006 5:23:51 PM
Stunt Playground v2.0 I just wanted to annouce that after much delay, Stunt Playground 2.0 has finally been officially released. have a look at the game screens below, and then feel free to give the game a download! ---- Stunt Playground is a fully 3D stunt driving g... 
Posted January 30, 2006 3:00:02 PM
Trampoline Game [seeking artist] Team name: none Project name: Walaber's Trampoline Brief description:an athletic simulation game where players control an athlete jumping on a trampoline, performing gynmastic maneuvers. The game can best be described as a Tony-Hawk s... 
Posted January 26, 2006 11:15:30 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Gymnast - physics based acrobatics the game requires the runtimes from .net 1.1 and 2.0 because of some dependencies (managed directinput) that were compiled against .net 1.1. Because of the installer logic I use, if you are missing either of these, it downloads both of the runti... 
Posted April 9, 2008 11:53:44 AM
JelloCar - XNA game for WIN + X360 Thanks for the comments everyone! I plan to come back to this one again in the future, and add some more features, levels, and vehicle types (that transform in different ways). 
Posted October 8, 2007 11:54:42 PM
WiiSticks [wii remote + phyiscs] BETA RELEASE a beta version is up on my website for those with the equipment to run the program... I'd love any feedback I can get... the responsiveness of the controls can still be improved, but in low-gravity mode, it's actually quite play... 
Posted January 3, 2007 12:39:19 AM
WiiSticks [wii remote + phyiscs] I will post there once the first version is released. for anyone that is interested in getting a bluetooth adaptor for your PC, check this out: LINK US$8.00 with free shipping!!! I ordered mine on a Sunday, and it arrived on... 
Posted January 2, 2007 8:47:48 PM
WiiSticks [wii remote + phyiscs] almost ready to release a demo. I will do a bit more testing and tweaking first though.... in the meantime here are some screenshots of the new version :) new features * allows using 1 remote + nunchuck OR 2 remotes, either. * several different... 
Posted January 2, 2007 12:11:30 AM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 sorry for the bump. I recently hooked up a Nintendo Wii remote to the game through the GlovePIE program, and though the results were worth posting. you can read more at my blog: WALABER.BLOGSPOT.COM or a direct you-tube link here You-Tube vid... 
Posted December 22, 2006 12:50:49 PM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 "auto jump" + "jump focus" really decrease the difficulty, giving you much more time to think about your tricks. 
Posted September 9, 2006 8:40:51 PM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 it is basically a bunch of rigid bodies connected together by spring forces, to represent the real trampoline springs, as well as the internal stretch of the trampoline bed itself. it looks convincing because of the animated mesh that you see visu... 
Posted September 7, 2006 10:09:37 PM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 yeah, they are billboards, and the last-minute addition of new camera angles caused that... by the way thanks for the comments everyone! 
Posted September 6, 2006 1:38:36 PM
Walaber's Trampoline v1.0 I haven't had trouble with FileFront here... hopefully the game will get on FilePlanet and possibly some other sites soon. I don't have the bandwidth to post 2 75MB files on my site... 
Posted September 5, 2006 1:59:44 PM
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