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State/Province, Country Warwickshire   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
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Member Since 9/4/2007 9:09:55 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
TankWorld Loosely inspired by the Seven Day Roguelike competition, a three week 'make any game' competition between myself and a friend produced this strange little game. I spent a week or two polishing bits, and then it languished for a long time. Although... 
Posted January 7, 2008 2:21:24 PM
Volume texture oddness Hi all, I have a strange and very, very annoying buggette in an HLSL shader, which only appears when it's being used 'properly' inside my apps. The shader works perfectly within FX Composer, so I suspect I'm doing something very dumb and I ho... 
Posted September 6, 2007 8:36:20 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
TankWorld Quote:Original post by TheGilb What?? No music? I know :( I didn't really expect to have time for sound effects, but wish there'd been time to lob FMOD in there and play a dir of MP3s. Last time I tried that, it was trivial... Anyone know w... 
Posted January 8, 2008 11:36:15 AM
TankWorld Quote:Original post by paul_nicholls Great job for the time taken! :-) I had wanted to make an asteroid fighting game like this myself once, but never started it... How did you make the procedural asteroids with the caves? Could you shar... 
Posted January 8, 2008 11:34:08 AM
Volume texture oddness Thanks for the response! I tried setting the sampler states directly rather than relying on the FX framework, and it works! This makes no sense to me, as I've never had any problems with effect states before, but... the important thing is my... 
Posted September 7, 2007 5:37:05 AM
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