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Member Since 11/18/2009 9:26:02 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Just get the cake In this epic adventure the robot has stolen Harry's prized poessesion - HIS CAKE! - Chase the evil robot and get that cake back! Hint: Maybe we shouldn't always do what weren't told... :-p And no, the cake isn't a lie... or is it? No it isn't... m... 
Posted January 7, 2010 12:19:42 PM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Been out of the game development scene for a while and now My first Flash Game - still unfinished with another 7 sections to design but a nice teaser to show off the simulator. It's currently only available over at Kongregate, enjoy: Play Now... 
Posted November 18, 2009 9:38:13 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Quote:Original post by widgisoft Quote:Original post by szecs I don't remember it's name, I played it 10 years ago at a friend. It wasn't this one was it: Robot Odyssey 1 - Robot Anatomy A... 
Posted December 4, 2009 9:27:55 AM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Quote:Original post by szecs I don't remember it's name, I played it 10 years ago at a friend. It wasn't this one was it: Robot Odyssey 1 - Robot Anatomy  
Posted December 4, 2009 9:25:50 AM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Quote:Original post by VildNinja Nice game :D However I did stop when you wanted me to convert a binary number to a seven segment LED :( In college (or what is similar to college here in Denmark) I took a class in analog and digital electricit... 
Posted December 4, 2009 4:33:10 AM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Quote:Original post by szecs I remember a game similar to this one, but there were obstacles too. Nice game, congrats! But one suggestion: you should display the grid, it's hard to find the horizontal/vertical position. Yeah I was t... 
Posted December 4, 2009 4:31:19 AM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Lol; For this version I wanted to leave a hard one and the end. I have a futher 6 sections planned from these basic logic gates to a full blown microprocessors :-D Although the play-field may need expanding a little bit for the final challenges.... 
Posted December 4, 2009 4:16:20 AM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p bump 
Posted December 1, 2009 10:02:22 AM
LightBox - Puzzle game using light as digital logic :-p Apologies - It appears that the text displays at different sizes on different platforms - maybe to do with DPI? Anyway; I've lowered the font and probably should add a scrollbar but for now it's readable across a number of different sizes. Th... 
Posted November 21, 2009 4:17:10 AM
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