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Nickname Xavyiy 
State/Province, Country Castilla-La Mancha   Spain
GD Gathering City Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
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Member Since 9/30/2006 4:30:34 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mesh drawing problem Hi all!, I've some problems for drawing textured mesh with DirectX / C#, here is a shot: And the drawing code: protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.DarkSl... 
Posted June 9, 2007 12:03:59 PM
Recluting betatesters: PlasmaBrick Online Hi! I'm the coder of PlasmaBrick, a game based on Plasmapong concept(fluids,etc) but with a lot of things:2 modes: offline, and online with registred users,points,accounts... with the posibility of change the points to obtain arms, jukebox... 
Posted April 1, 2007 10:04:50 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! PlasmaBrick si a project that's been under development since this summer, by two Spanish students(16 years the coder, and 17 the graphic designer). The initial launch date was January 2007 but it will surely be brought forward to December 2006. It's... 
Posted November 10, 2006 11:16:27 AM
Preview - PlasmaBrick 1.0 Online! Hi all!! PlasmaBrick si a project that's been under development since this summer, by two Spanish students(16 years the coder, and 17 the graphic designer). The initial launch date was January 2007 but it will surely be brought forward to December 2... 
Posted November 9, 2006 5:30:44 PM
DX lighting question! Hi all!, I'm programing a liquid dynamic engine for implement to my game, and now I have a little question, I see the engine and in the new 1.3 version it have a 3d lighting for the shaders, it's on opengl, my engine is over DX9 a... 
Posted November 8, 2006 6:05:42 PM
How to do this in DirectX ? Hi all! I'm porting a C/OpenGL code to C#/DX9, the project is about fluids dynamics in real time, well, the esential of the code is ported(mathematical operations), but, I don't know do this in DX!, here is the code: static void draw_density ( vo... 
Posted November 5, 2006 7:06:51 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
PlasmaBrick Preview! Hiii !! Now I need some betatesters for try the online mode game! One more screenshot: Mail: xavyiy [a t] gmail [d o t] com MSN: xavierverguin [a t] hotmail [d o t] com 
Posted January 25, 2007 2:10:19 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Quote:Original post by mstrobel Very nice, glad to see more C#/.NET developers here. Keep up the good work :). Thanks :) Two more screnshots of the develompent: ;) 
Posted November 18, 2006 10:34:21 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Hi! I've upload a new video of the game, it isn't screen capture but we can see aceptablement the game.. :)  
Posted November 10, 2006 10:56:43 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Quote:Original post by badbrain Quote:Original post by Demosthenes It looks great, specially since you're both so young! Congrats.he's 26. whatever. the fluid dynamics looks great ;) 16..!  
Posted November 10, 2006 8:43:13 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Quote:Original post by kloffy Is this in any way related to Plasma Pong? The plasma looks similar and the sounds are pretty much the same. Anyways, this is awesome. I love Plasma Pong and this looks like it could be even more fun. :) Not, it isn... 
Posted November 10, 2006 7:46:14 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Quote:Original post by Jarrod1937 looks good! but get yourself some screen capture software. I trying with two screen video recorders but the fps down... 4/5fps.. :O, can you give me the link of a good screen recorder software? Thanks. 
Posted November 10, 2006 6:12:19 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Yep! There's the video: PlasmaBrick Video. !! The video cality is very very very bad! the colors are distorsioned but I don't know do well!!  
Posted November 10, 2006 4:39:03 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! The video this night ! in 2~3 hours, We're changing some textures and then I record the video :) Thanks! 
Posted November 10, 2006 2:58:04 PM
Preview - PlasmaBrick 1.0 Online! Quote:Original post by ahayweh Looks very good. You should sumbit this to the Image of the Day Gallery. ahayweh Thanks for the opinion, I just presented it as a candidate for image of the day. Xavi 
Posted November 9, 2006 6:09:06 PM
How to do this in DirectX ? Yes.. the error is solvented! was the index 2 density value..:), Now the simulation fluid works !!, here 4 screenshots: Good.. now how to do in DX a lighting like this?: It's pos... 
Posted November 7, 2006 9:40:15 AM
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