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Member Since 6/15/2004 10:31:30 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Why do I suck at major projects? Hello guys, I've just realized that I have a serious problem when it comes to programming games. Just before I start a game project I don't plan things I just code on the fly(that is one problem) and I also have way too much self-confidenc... 
Posted August 5, 2004 11:31:25 PM
Printing the FPS.........without it being erased Hello guys. I'm having some trouble. I know how to calculate the amonut of frames per second and printint it out but since I flip the buffer after rendering and clear the screen before rendering I'm having a hard time keeping the font on screen.... 
Posted August 5, 2004 10:35:24 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
SDL speed? Quote: Original post by thedevdan No, his would work... he would just have to draw everything before he flips. That was the point I was trying to make. 
Posted August 7, 2004 1:00:45 PM
SDL speed? *sigh* void Render( ) { // Clear the screen SDL_FillRect( m_MainSurface, 0, SDL_MapRGB( m_MainSurface->format, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // Draw all of your crap m_Level.Render( ); m_Player.Render( ); m_Enemy.Render( ); ... 
Posted August 7, 2004 12:49:04 PM
SDL speed? First off you're not suppose to flip the screen buffer prior to rendering. You should flip the screen last. Also your video mode may be the primary reason as to why your FPS is so low. SDL_ANYFORMAT.......Why use this video flag if you already kno... 
Posted August 7, 2004 12:32:06 PM
compiler warnings for incorrectly overriding const virtual functions Why are you using a struct? Use a class damnit... 
Posted August 6, 2004 7:27:53 AM
Why do I suck at major projects? Well yeah I spend way too much time focusing on low level stuff like my sprite engine, making a wrapper for any audio API, making a C++ wrapper for graphic API initiation and window creation, etc. But when it comes to game concepts like how... 
Posted August 6, 2004 7:01:21 AM
WTF??!! NULL is not defined in MSVC60??!! For christ's sakes just use 0(zero). 
Posted August 5, 2004 11:23:33 PM
Printing the FPS.........without it being erased Thanx a million man. 
Posted August 5, 2004 11:01:09 AM
Printing the FPS.........without it being erased Thanx it works. I have another question that may be a little off topic. Local variables get pushed into heap memory right? And what is the name of the type of memory beside heap?(I think its called stack memory where global variables go to?... 
Posted August 5, 2004 10:53:32 AM
2D game design Hire an artist. 
Posted June 15, 2004 10:56:41 PM
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