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Nickname MarcGodbille 
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Member Since 8/6/2008 9:39:28 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
StoneQuest StoneQuest is my first full game. The basic story is pretty classic: Issuing a friend kidnapped by the head of demons who wants to marry her by force. We must overcome several boss in their castles, recreating a sailboat and recover stones of element... 
Posted August 8, 2008 7:30:46 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
StoneQuest Here is the youtube link  
Posted May 7, 2010 12:44:46 PM
StoneQuest On the first floor, there is a cracked block, use the glove to break it, you will find a key that opens a lock grey ... Thank you for your interest in this demo 
Posted August 15, 2008 10:54:23 AM
StoneQuest Here is the video, sorry for the bad quality 
Posted August 13, 2008 6:35:23 PM
StoneQuest Quote: You wrote editors too? Post some shots of those too! Tool-programmers are unsung heroes. =) Showing 2 screenshots of my editor scenery which is used to fill all fixed elements that make up the decor 
Posted August 13, 2008 7:11:46 AM
StoneQuest Everything is done in c++ or c# for editors 
Posted August 12, 2008 4:36:50 AM
StoneQuest There is a management climate and day and night over 24 hours (accelerated), the climate goes from good weather to storm. In addition there are volumetric shadows on characters. Currently, for my next game (tennis), I'm working on a new... 
Posted August 11, 2008 1:11:43 PM
StoneQuest First, I render in a texture a first time the full scene with a scale on -1 for th y value and a clip under the water height. float4x4 view_proj_matrix; float Opacity; float4x4 World_matrix; float4 Ambient_Color; float ClipHeight; s... 
Posted August 10, 2008 4:41:35 AM
StoneQuest yes, of course, all the 3D models have been made by me and textures I took out the camera. Besides, I had to implement a small program that generates a normal map from a texture grayscale. This is mainly because of graphics that it took me so long 
Posted August 9, 2008 3:36:25 PM
StoneQuest For this game, I used my own 3D engine developed in C++ with directx 9.0c update april 2005 SDK. The beginning of programming dates back more than 3 years :-/ .Hhere is mipmapping but the image has been narrowed to display it in this forum. A demo ve... 
Posted August 9, 2008 2:48:42 AM
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