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Get to know openglaussie...  Banned
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Nickname openglaussie 
State/Province, Country Victoria   Australia
GD Gathering City Stony point, Victoria, Australia
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Member Since 9/2/2007 5:34:55 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
problem extruding a triangle Hi, i have a little problem, i am trying to extrude a triangle , i project the vertex coordinates along a vector direction, the triangle has a predefined winding , then i create 3 planes formed by the extruded points and connect them to create an ou... 
Posted September 26, 2008 7:30:29 AM
strange freetype2 issue Good day, i am experiencing a strange issue with opengl, mfc and freetpye2 i tried to print some text using freetype. While i had no problem printing text in a window lean and mean application ( the lesson #43 from nehe ). But now ,i have a stran... 
Posted August 12, 2008 6:12:36 PM
opengl gui Hi , i am writing an opengl gui , and now i have finished the window management system , now i would like to know how can i draw into the 'client' area and restrict the drawing to that area. I am thinking to use scissors , since i think it will be... 
Posted July 26, 2008 4:21:11 AM
intel 's jpeg library Hi, i have experienced memory leaks , with the jpeg library from intel, does anyone knows why ? it leaks the filename pointer.  
Posted May 24, 2008 2:24:04 PM
problems with unproject Ok, i have a little problem, i am trying to use the unproject function to select a triangle in a mesh , here is the code snippet . . . GLdouble proj[16]; GLdouble model[16]; GLint view[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,proj); /... 
Posted June 2, 2008 7:29:46 PM
pvs computation using voxel decomposition This is a program i am working on since few months, it is based on voxel decomposition to compute the pvs for a tree structure previosuly built. The method is simple, every triangle is rasterized into voxels, with a resolution decided by t... 
Posted April 12, 2008 12:23:24 PM
occlusion culling Hi, i am back working on on old idea of mine about occlusion culling , i coded a fast zbuffered-concave/convex-polygon-with-holes function ,and i was proceeding with the next step. My biggest concern is about transforming vertices, i am g... 
Posted October 11, 2007 5:52:55 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Leipziger Messe Boss Opens Italy's First Developer Conference I don't think i have a wrong attitude, is just my way to put things on, i don't sugar coat, no way, italians aren't good at making games [Edited by - openglaussie on October 19, 2008 3:32:24 PM] 
Posted October 18, 2008 1:32:55 PM
Leipziger Messe Boss Opens Italy's First Developer Conference [racist remark removed] Not one italian software house ever published something playable, i guess its time that everyone do what's is best at. EDIT: Cencored racist remark. - jba. [Edited by - jbadams on October 20, 2008 3:56:48 AM] 
Posted October 17, 2008 1:56:55 PM
[GOOD NEWS! READ PLEASE] How to generate adjacency? I have implemented a pure opengl adiacency finder , both for vertices and surfaces, they use a 3d hash for fast indexing. If you are interested, send a pm The code is still free for non commercial use 
Posted June 28, 2008 9:58:56 AM
MFC opengl You can use the mouse coordinates which are written in the WM_MOUSEMOVE event just dtore them in some safe variables and use them when you call the GL_SELECT function, i do like that and it works very good. I have had problems with the glunproject... 
Posted June 25, 2008 1:32:14 PM
Simplified OpenGL infinite octree ? you should put a limit ( surfaces/ mesh ) for each node or your recursion function will never exits. Bones animations are in the to do list, i am working on the mesh manager class right now. My dream is to finish this engine... 
Posted June 10, 2008 4:24:35 AM
Simplified OpenGL it loads 3ds , md2 , lwo models , i am working for an md5 and md3 importer. At this time i am not concerned into collision detection and physics. I think its not worth anymore invest time in physics  
Posted June 9, 2008 4:06:15 PM
Simplified OpenGL I think i can help , i am developing an opengl-only engine, and i would like to test my classes as well. Actually i have written: a fast math library a custom vector specifically designed to store 2d and 3d arrays a surface container with functi... 
Posted June 9, 2008 9:01:12 AM
intel 's jpeg library OK, solved i was using a std::string pointer, and by the way i would like to know why jpeg are useless on windows , thought they were the standard compression format.  
Posted June 3, 2008 5:17:36 AM
UV for Sphere They use an algorithm different from a classic sphere, its a sort of low level primitive, usually an icosahedron or octaedhron, then an higher level of tessellation is applied to smooth them out. After this process, start from the center of the sphe... 
Posted May 22, 2008 6:18:52 AM
How to make movement in the opengl window from mfc dialog. You have to map commands from the edit boxes into the mainframe message queue There is a bit of work involved , first, map the messages from the edit box, they will be queued into the window owning the control, then , once you have mapped succe... 
Posted April 21, 2008 7:11:48 AM
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