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Nickname Elefagente_Secreto 
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Member Since 2/1/2006 11:21:35 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Graphics API for Wii ?? Just wondering... anybody knows which graphics API is used for Wii programming?? is it a proprietary Nintendo API or just normal DirectX/OpenGL ?? I'm just asking because my company is looking into getting a Wii devkit but I want to get ahead and... 
Posted August 5, 2010 12:32:06 PM
Question about XNA's 'Model' class Hello all, I have a quick question about the Model class. I have something like this: Model tank1; Model tank2; Now in the LoadContent method I do tank1 = content.Load<Model>("tank"); tank2 = content.Load<Model>("tank"); Ev... 
Posted March 2, 2009 1:59:29 AM
XMapa XMapa is a small 2D game map editor I coded in C# using OpenGL for graphics. I'm using it to make a map for an XNA game contest. The program uses layers to store the billboards and the 'walk zones', I figured it would be much easier to define thos... 
Posted June 21, 2007 12:01:15 AM
C# + OpenGL, "unsafe" context?? Hello all, I have a running app with C# and OpenGL, however, so far I had used glVertex3f as all I was rendering were billboards and only a few of them... but, now that I want to use vertex arrays/VBOs, I see it expects an 'object [] pointer'... 
Posted August 24, 2007 5:59:19 PM
Commercial Engines Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this but this question didn't seem to fit in other forums :) Basically I'd like to know if u guys know of any commercial game engines that are not too expensive and that have support for xbox... 
Posted February 23, 2007 6:17:34 AM
Creanimax 2006 - Animation and Videogames Conference in Mexico Creanimax 2006 - Animation and Videogames Conference in MexicoPosted by: Elefagente Secreto at September 13, 2006 11:45:46 AMCreanimax 2006 objective is to promote the creation and growth of animation and videogames companies in Mexico. The event... 
Posted September 13, 2006 11:45:46 AM
Performance question Hello all, I have a simple question, I've seen some code where strange accessor methods for some classes are provided. For example, in vector3 classes: // in some vector3 class const Vector3 operator*(const float s) const { ... 
Posted August 28, 2006 1:30:40 PM
How to get orientation from a normal Hi there, I am coding a small app where I drop a few boxes on an irregular floor and I'd like them to be rotated according to the ground normal once they hit the floor but I'm having problems with it, I tried building a quaternion from t... 
Posted March 31, 2006 5:55:45 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Graphics API for Wii ?? thanks @Manoel Balbino and @glaeken, much appreciated =) 
Posted August 5, 2010 1:15:33 PM
Question about XNA's 'Model' class Quote:Original post by Cygon The ContentManager only loads each resource once, so if you load the same model, texture, spritefont, whatever multiple times, you'll get the same object back each time. What you should do is reassign all ef... 
Posted March 2, 2009 2:40:20 AM
Adaptive Binary Trees - node overgrowing Quote:Original post by scypior Hello, I don't know if it's bad to ask about this again, as there are so many extremely well answered topics about these, but I have the only one question remaining... May if I ask? It's about node over... 
Posted November 13, 2007 3:43:03 AM
C# + OpenGL, "unsafe" context?? Quote:Original post by sebas417 That's correct (now What are you using for OpenGL bindings? Hmmmm I downloaded it quite some time ago but had never used it until a few months ago but I *think* it might be the NeHe C# ba... 
Posted August 24, 2007 7:21:26 PM
C# + OpenGL, "unsafe" context?? Quote:Original post by sebas417 I actually just started using vertex arrays in c# a couple days ago myself, and the source code of the Tao examples was a big help. If you're using Tao checkout: \Tao_Install_Folder\source\examples\Redbook\Varray.... 
Posted August 24, 2007 6:31:39 PM
Texturing terrain slopes Quote:Original post by FunLogic Quote:Original post by Treesong ... 3b. Detail texturing In the fragment shader, use the elevation and the components of surface normal to calculate blend factors for blending (tiling) detail textures. The surfac... 
Posted August 2, 2007 1:32:02 PM
Scene graph render function design feedback @wolf Interesting reading... So what would you recommend using instead of SceneGraphs?? or what do most console games use??? I'm asking because I was just about to start designing a SG for my game, but if there are any other cool structures that... 
Posted July 26, 2007 12:32:37 AM
C# Workshop - Signup Thread Name: Joel Role: Student 
Posted June 26, 2007 9:21:14 PM
Projekt W Looks very nice, I want to play it! :) 
Posted June 24, 2007 1:11:56 AM
XMapa Quote:Original post by Trillian I just want to say that your editor is really nice and gives me a couple of ideas for the one I might do someday. The backgrounds you're using are simply wonderful! It's a bit ironic that you're using OpenGL if t... 
Posted June 23, 2007 3:40:55 AM
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