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Nickname philippe_ 
State/Province, Country Provence-Alpes-Cote dAzur   France
GD Gathering City Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Cote dAzur, France
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Member Since 9/21/2006 5:59:58 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
AntTweakBar library Hi, AntTweakBar is a small and easy-to-use C/Cpp library that allows programmers to quickly add a light and intuitive GUI into OpenGL or DirectX based graphic programs to interactively tweak them. Program variables can be linked to a graphical con... 
Posted September 22, 2006 11:22:51 AM
Volumetric Billboards Hello everyone, Here are some images of "Volumetric Billboards". Volumetric Billboards extend the classic billboards technique which renders complex 3D objects in real-time using textured quads in place of full geometry. Contrary to 2D billboar... 
Posted August 4, 2009 8:34:52 PM
DirectX 10 support added to AntTweakBar DirectX 10 support added to AntTweakBarPosted by: philippe_ at December 14, 2007 9:26:35 AMAntTweakBar (an easy-to-use GUI library for tuning graphical applications on-screen) now also supports DirectX 10 in addition to OpenGL and DirectX 9. ... 
Posted December 14, 2007 9:26:35 AM
AntTweakBar 1.1 Released AntTweakBar 1.1 ReleasedPosted by: philippe_ at September 18, 2007 2:50:51 PMAntTweakBar is small and easy-to-use C/Cpp library that allows to quickly add a light and intuitive GUI into OpenGL based graphic programs to interactively tweak them. It i... 
Posted September 18, 2007 2:50:51 PM
AntTweakBar 1.1 Released AntTweakBar 1.1 ReleasedPosted by: Philippe Decaudin at September 8, 2007 12:40:59 PMAntTweakBar 1.1 has been released. This version includes a long-awaited feature: the String variable type (and keyboard input for value editing), along with several... 
Posted September 8, 2007 6:40:59 AM
AntTweakBar Released AntTweakBar ReleasedPosted by: Philippe Decaudin at September 22, 2006 6:13:08 AMAntTweakBar is a small and easy to use C/C++ library that allows programmers to quickly add a light and intuitive GUI into OpenGL or DirectX based graphic programs to in... 
Posted September 22, 2006 6:13:08 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Volumetric Billboards @spacerat: Volumetric billboards are objects which may be placed in a 3D scene possibly mainly populated by polygonal objects. One problem to use raycasting to render them is how to render multiple semi-transparent volumes arbitrarily distributed... 
Posted August 9, 2009 7:18:31 AM
Volumetric Billboards Thx again. @spacerat,Krokhin: If the volume has empty regions, an interesting optimization is to split it in order to remove the empty regions and create volumetric billboards only for the non-empty sub-volumes. That way, rasterization and po... 
Posted August 6, 2009 2:47:10 PM
Volumetric Billboards Thanks for your comments! I will try to do a demo version, but be patient, I have little free time these days.. @Master of riddles: Drawbacks are likely the same as other image and volume based rendering techniques. If the viewer is close to a... 
Posted August 5, 2009 2:53:46 PM
AntTweakBar library I am adding a users gallery to the AntTweakBar website. If you are using the AntTweakBar library, pls consider sending me some screenshots, see Thanks [smile] Philippe  
Posted November 8, 2006 3:01:03 AM
AntTweakBar Released I am adding a users gallery to the AntTweakBar website. If you are using the AntTweakBar library, pls consider sending me some screenshots, see Thanks [smile] Philippe 
Posted November 8, 2006 2:58:43 AM
AntTweakBar library Quote:Original post by playmesumch00ns Do you plan on making a source release? Lib sources are now included with the current version of AntTweakBar (v1.02).  
Posted September 27, 2006 11:06:52 AM
AntTweakBar library zerotri, that seems to be SDL and DX specific problems (not related to AntTweakBar). For SDL, perhaps you could post it to the newsgroup. For DX, do examples of the DX SDK work in HAL mode for you? Did you try the test I mention above? To... 
Posted September 25, 2006 3:49:45 AM
AntTweakBar library @playmesumch00ns : Yes, I will release the sources very soon. @zerotri: - There is pre-compiled development version of SDL on ( that seems to work also with VC++ express, so you might not need to recompile... 
Posted September 24, 2006 6:35:24 PM
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