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Get to know HeftiSchlumpf...  
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Nickname HeftiSchlumpf 
State/Province, Country Niedersachsen   Germany
GD Gathering City Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
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Job Title Student of Informatics 
Job Description Plans to be a Game Developer 
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Member Since 6/22/2006 10:19:18 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Imagine Earth If you like these screenshots, check out for more information and a tutorial. Feel free to contact me about the game or any job offer in the game industry. I am an informatics student at the moment planning to work in... 
Posted August 1, 2008 3:49:04 PM
KnownList - A never ending problem I got lots of headaches in the last days thinking about the known-list problem. Please help me... Assume you have 10.000 Mobiles in the World. Should i store a KnownList for each Mobile (in the mobile?). I think not, its to slow. I need... 
Posted August 16, 2008 7:20:46 AM
Games Convention (Leipzig) Is there anyone who will be there tomorrow (20.) ? Maybe we could meet there, hehe. Greetings 
Posted August 19, 2008 5:41:44 PM
MMO - Sending to Client with Max Bandwidth Hi, i have a little question and maybe a big problem. Let me try to explain our situation. There are 1001 players connected to the mmo-server. Each of the connected client creates update-informations, like position-packets, etc. These infor... 
Posted August 11, 2008 5:18:04 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Imagine Earth Quote:Original post by theusurper hey guys im just entering college this year.. but iv signed up to take part in the imagine cup.. can any1 provide me and my friends a starting point.. i intend to take part in the competition this year as a learnin... 
Posted August 30, 2008 5:44:51 AM
Imagine Earth Quote:Original post by najak Here you mention winning 4th place and having your screen shot on the front page of the Washington Post. Are there any online links to these media announcements? I'd love to read the article. Hi najak, a... 
Posted August 30, 2008 5:39:17 AM
KnownList - A never ending problem Quote: Quote: Original post by CIJollySo, would using quadtrees give me a significant enough performance boost to warrant the extra effort? Unlikely, but it really depends on the types of objects you have (are they all the same si... 
Posted August 18, 2008 8:01:49 PM
KnownList - A never ending problem Quote:Original post by Antheus Quote:Original post by HeftiSchlumpf but they dont make sense for me. - How do one entity in an octree knows the other entities around it? It doesn't. It allows for quick queries. You say: find all entities... 
Posted August 17, 2008 12:45:22 PM
KnownList - A never ending problem Thx so much guys, you made my day. When there was no reply at this topic at first, i thought about 3 hours about a fast algorithm to keep the known-lists up to date. My idea was a sorted-list for each dimension (x,y) . So that the actual entit... 
Posted August 16, 2008 7:59:34 PM
Build Your Own Quad-Core Machine With The Tempest Case The CPU should be Q6600 with G0-stepping. This is realy important for overclocking. Instead of 4x2.4Ghz, it is possible to get 4x3.6Ghz. I have seen a test with 2 machines up running, one in normal speed, the other one overclocked at 3.... 
Posted August 12, 2008 6:22:49 PM
Imagine Earth Quote:Original post by chronozphere That looks awesome man! Good work. I find this very inspiring. I might even make a game myself with that kind of planet(s) consisting of triangles. One thing you might want to work on is the water. It... 
Posted August 5, 2008 3:34:41 PM
Imagine Earth Quote:Original post by Falhar Perfect work. I want to participate in Imagine Cup too, but Iam not sure I can do something presentable myself. Iam starting my college in few weeks so I hope I can find some people with same goals like me, so we can ma... 
Posted August 2, 2008 6:15:07 AM
Imagine Earth Yes! The game is made with XNA 2.0. Currently we are porting the game to the xbox360 (nearly done). <-- Seems to be avaible for me? There will be an extend PC version avaible soon.  
Posted August 2, 2008 6:08:14 AM
Character KnownLists in MMORPGs or as Such? At the moment i have made something similiar to the proxies, my code is done in c#. _____________________________ | M P I B R A I N | <-- The "Brain" |_____________________________| | | | | CN1 CN2... 
Posted July 30, 2008 10:34:55 AM
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