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Get to know Imgelling...  
Full Name Jesse Moseley
Nickname Imgelling 
State/Province, Country KY   United States
GD Gathering City Lexington, KY, United States
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Current Occupation
Job Title Machine Operator 
Job Description I make electronic hardware basically. 
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Member Since 2/17/2007 9:38:23 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
[Win7RTM, DX9] No device [solved] Well, I am having a problem creating a hardware device on Windows 7. At first, I couldn't even compile them, then I realized I needed the Windows 7 SDK. After that, every thing compiles fine. But when I try to run it, it comes back with an In... 
Posted September 18, 2009 6:32:10 PM
[DX9,Vista] lost due to display uniqueness change So, I am trying to get back to using DirectX with C++ from C# with XNA. I am following the tutorials on Druinksoft and I am trying to implement the fullscreen swap in tutorial 3. Using the code from the website, when I try to go to fullscr... 
Posted September 13, 2009 5:49:20 PM
sqrt(1)!=-1? Okay, I have a quiz Wednesday and I still don't understand this... Lookie here.. sqrt(2x-1) = x - 2 solve get: x = 5 || x = 1 using quadratic: under the sqrt() you get b^2-4ac a=1, b=-6, c=5 or sqrt(16) or 4 doing the rest ((6) (+-) 4... 
Posted September 7, 2009 8:10:31 PM
Online Game 2D source release Online Game 2D is a not so massive online rpg. I have decided to release this as I have decided to take another approach to writing it. Basically more design phase before coding! Uses the old lidgren library for networking, XNA for render... 
Posted July 31, 2009 4:57:57 PM
Online Game 2D This is my not so massive online role playing game aptly named, "Online Game 2D". Written in C# using XNA and the Lidgren Networking library. All art has been drawn by me except for the avatar. I honestly do not know where I got that fro... 
Posted July 3, 2009 12:49:21 PM
Lua, C#, and NPCs OH MY! Hi, I am using LuaInterface to use Lua with c# to script NPCs for my game. And I am running into a problem on how to design it. For each, npc, in the script...they will all have the same basic functions. Lets say, "OnMove", "OnTalk", "On... 
Posted July 5, 2009 5:29:45 PM
Transformers 2 (possible 3, depending on age) So I was thinking with a "game resale" clerk, they should so make a remake of the the original Transformer's movie. Seriously, that was bad A$$. And with tech today it could be even better, a mix of live action with computer graphics. Want it....... 
Posted June 10, 2009 10:58:31 PM
64-bit sizeof's I have found a few pages describing 64-bit sizes on unix (though I am looking for Windows), and even one page lists different versions of 64-bit storage. So I would like to ask, 1. Is there a standard sizeof for int,short,char, etc f... 
Posted March 3, 2009 8:25:55 PM
John D. Carmack and jet plane racing?!? Sorry if this has been posted before... So, I am watching Discovery Channel (because its cool, thats why), and I see that John D. Carmack (the Id guy) is part of Armadillo ...errr.. something or another, developing lightweight jet airplanes for a... 
Posted September 20, 2008 2:13:15 AM
Quad (duel) core and 64 bit vista question Ok, I see people listing specs of duel core intels (for which I know are 32 bit) running 64 bit Vista and using 4GB of RAM. I don't really want 64bit Vista, but I need more RAM. I run a game server and it uses 1.5GB of 2GB of RAM (don't ask) which... 
Posted May 13, 2008 1:07:31 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Should MMORPGs use encryption? Quote:Original post by WhiteCrane Not just hacking the mechanics, but definitely encrypt the messaging system too, If you plan on keeping the game in the US, that will work. Otherwise, it is against federal law to send encrypted "plain"... 
Posted November 29, 2010 2:54:20 PM
Hey Howdy!  
Posted November 11, 2010 11:12:51 AM
[MMORPG] - Origins - Burning Dog Team - Updated Sorry, have nothing to contribute but... Thats second screen shot made me think, "So that is what the offspring of a large brisket dog and Deathwing (WoW Cataclysm) looks like!" Looks awesome. Edit: Is brisket the right word? If not, repla... 
Posted November 9, 2010 2:14:13 PM
XNA Role Playing Game Starter Kit 4.0 (Windows) Thanks! 
Posted November 3, 2010 6:16:23 PM
The Daily As to the free games making you money... Reminds me of the old share-ware games back in the Doom days. Great tactic, but people stopped doing it or I just didn't see it as much. Had more to say, but I forgot so I will just leave it as this. 
Posted October 21, 2010 3:45:19 PM
Is XNA using DirectX 10/11 yet? Actually I think XNA 4.0 moved on to DX10 or DX11 but can only use DX9 on the Xbox360. Something to do with Hi-Def profiles or something of the sort. Err, maybe not. I am a bit confused on the subject but Shawn seems to say... 
Posted October 20, 2010 3:14:01 PM
How come Sprite-Draw keeps sending WINAPI MsgProc DRAW? Quote:Original post by Imgelling I think d3d.d3d9Sprite->Begin(NULL) sets the sprite drawing mode into immediate mode causing the window to need to be redrawn thus throwing the DRAW message. try ->Begin(D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND); If that... 
Posted October 17, 2010 11:49:47 AM
How come Sprite-Draw keeps sending WINAPI MsgProc DRAW? I think d3d.d3d9Sprite->Begin(NULL) sets the sprite drawing mode into immediate mode causing the window to need to be redrawn thus throwing the DRAW message. try ->Begin(D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND); If that fixes it, then that was the proble... 
Posted October 17, 2010 11:40:25 AM
Generating tangent frames for models Did you upgrade your home systems to XNA 4.0? This may be causing the problem. 4.0 broke some things from 3.1. Just a guess without code. 
Posted October 11, 2010 11:02:15 AM
I need a good timer! gametimer.h #pragma once // -- HEADERS --------------------------------------------- #include <windows.h> // -- STRUCTURES ------------------------------------------ struct GameTimeState // Holds a snapshot of time { float Milli... 
Posted October 8, 2010 10:46:18 AM
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